
GitHub PR:25413 - chore(deps): update module to v3.0.4 [security]
Author:renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Test name:bud remote fedora-41 root host sqlite
Cirrus:Build 6416933454610432 / Task 4936405345894400
Logs:main / journal / cleanup tracer
Base commit:76625edb8739bf6bb59b1a9e20cf0c8e6d64a78e

[05:10:11] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2025-02-27T11:10:11Z. [+0000s] + ./test/buildah-bud/run-buildah-bud-tests # /var/tmp/go/src/ in _run_bud() ++ git merge-base main 1d01a367eddc11776f85a85a68e62171ec4200ee [+0001s] ++ git diff --name-status 76625edb8739bf6bb59b1a9e20cf0c8e6d64a78e 1d01a367eddc11776f85a85a68e62171ec4200ee + git clone -q --branch v1.39.0 test-buildah-v1.39.0 [+0007s] Note: switching to 'c15ab104a18def9dc812fe31bf1fc02f6d0a571b'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false [+0008s] + git config --global + git config --global 'Testy McTestface' + git config --global --add test-buildah-v1.39.0 + git tag buildah-bud-in-podman + make bin/buildah [+0028s] as -o internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64.o internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64.s ld -o internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64 internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64.o strip internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64 gzip -k9nf internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint_amd64 go build -ldflags '-X main.GitCommit=c15ab104a18def9dc812fe31bf1fc02f6d0a571b -X main.buildInfo=1740654636 -X main.cniVersion=v1.2.3 ' -gcflags "" -o bin/buildah -tags "seccomp systemd" ./cmd/buildah [+0140s] test -z "-Z" || chcon --verbose -t container_runtime_exec_t bin/buildah changing security context of 'bin/buildah' + make bin/copy [+0143s] go build -ldflags '-X main.GitCommit=c15ab104a18def9dc812fe31bf1fc02f6d0a571b -X main.buildInfo=1740654751 -X main.cniVersion=v1.2.3 ' -o bin/copy -tags "seccomp systemd" ./tests/copy/copy.go [+0147s] + make bin/inet [+0148s] go build -ldflags '-X main.GitCommit=c15ab104a18def9dc812fe31bf1fc02f6d0a571b -X main.buildInfo=1740654759 -X main.cniVersion=v1.2.3 ' -o bin/inet -tags "seccomp systemd" ./tests/inet/inet.go + git am --reject Checking patch tests/helpers.bash... Applied patch tests/helpers.bash cleanly. [+0149s] Applying: tweaks for running buildah tests under podman + /var/tmp/go/src/ ++ pwd ++ pwd ++ pwd ++ nproc + sudo env TMPDIR=/var/tmp PODMAN_BINARY=/var/tmp/go/src/ PODMAN_SERVER_LOG=/var/tmp/go/src/ REMOTE=1 BUILDAH_BINARY=/var/tmp/go/src/ COPY_BINARY=/var/tmp/go/src/ INET_BINARY=/var/tmp/go/src/ bats -j 4 tests/bud.bats [+0155s] 1..422 [+0891s] ok 1 bud with a path to a Dockerfile (-f) containing a non-directory entry ok 2 bud stdio is usable pipes ok 3 bud: build manifest list and --add-compression zstd ok 4 bud: build manifest list and --add-compression with containers.conf ok 5 bud: build manifest list with --add-compression zstd, --compression and --force-compression ok 6 Multi-stage should not remove used base-image without --layers ok 7 no layer should be created on scratch ok 8 bud: build push with --force-compression # skip not a useful podman test, and it breaks when run parallel ok 9 bud with --dns* flags ok 10 build with inline RUN --network=host ok 11 build with inline RUN --network=none ok 12 build with inline RUN --network=fake ok 13 build with inline default RUN --network=default ok 14 bud with ignoresymlink on default file ok 15 buildkit-mount type=cache should not hang if cache is wiped in between ok 16 build test warning for preconfigured TARGETARCH, TARGETOS, TARGETPLATFORM or TARGETVARIANT ok 17 build-conflicting-isolation-chroot-and-network ok 18 bud with .dockerignore #1 ok 19 bud --layers with --mount type bind should burst cache if symlink is changed ok 20 bud --layers with --mount type bind should burst cache if content is changed # skip FIXME #25138: mount cache not working one remote ok 21 bud --layers with --mount type bind should burst and multiple mounts cache if content is changed # skip FIXME #25138: mount cache not working one remote ok 22 bud --layers with --mount type bind should burst cache if content is changed - source is additional build context ok 23 bud --layers should not hit cache if heredoc is changed ok 24 bud build with heredoc content ok 25 bud build with heredoc with COPY instructionw with .containerignore set ok 26 bud build with heredoc content which is a bash file ok 27 bud build with heredoc content with inline interpreter ok 28 bud build with heredoc verify mount leak ok 29 bud with .containerignore ok 30 bud with .dockerignore - unmatched ok 31 bud with .dockerignore #2 # skip different error messages between podman & podman-remote ok 32 bud with .dockerignore #4 # skip different error messages between podman & podman-remote ok 33 bud with .dockerignore #6 ok 34 build with --platform without OS ok 35 build with basename resolving default arg ok 36 build with basename resolving user arg ok 37 build with basename resolving user arg from file ok 38 build with basename resolving user arg from latest file in arg list ok 39 build with basename resolving user arg from in arg list ok 40 build with basename resolving user arg - should fail ok 41 build-with-inline-platform-and-variant ok 42 build-with-inline-platform ok 43 build-with-inline-platform-and-rely-on-defaultbuiltinargs ok 44 build-with-inline-platform-and-rely-on-defaultbuiltinargs-check-custom-override ok 45 build-with-inline-platform-amd-but-tag-as-arm ok 46 build-with-omit-history-to-true should not add history ok 47 build with --userns=auto also with size ok 48 build with --userns=auto with uidmapping ok 49 build with --userns=auto with gidmapping ok 50 build-test with OCI prestart hook # skip FIXME FIXME FIXME: does this test make sense in remote? ok 51 build with add resolving to invalid HTTP status code ok 52 build test has gid in supplemental groups ok 53 build-mount-cache-with-id-mappings ok 54 build test if supplemental groups has gid with --isolation chroot ok 55 build-test --mount=type=secret test relative to workdir mount ok 56 build-test --mount=type=cache test relative to workdir mount ok 57 build-test do not use mount stage from cache if it was rebuilt ok 58 build-test use image from cache with --mount and burst when image is changed ok 59 build-test verify no dangling containers are left ok 60 No default warning for TARGETARCH, TARGETOS, TARGETPLATFORM ok 61 build-test skipping unwanted stages with --skip-unused-stages=false and --skip-unused-stages=true ok 62 build-test: do not warn for instructions declared in unused stages ok 63 build-test skipping unwanted stages with FROM ok 64 build: test race in updating image name while performing parallel commits # skip Explicit request in buildah PR 4190 to skip this on remote ok 65 build-test skipping unwanted stages with FROM and conflict with additional build context ok 66 build-test skipping unwanted stages with COPY from stage name ok 67 build test --retry and --retry-delay ok 68 build-test skipping unwanted stages with COPY from stage index ok 69 build test optimal cache working for COPY instruction ok 70 build test optimal cache working for ADD instruction ok 71 build-test skipping unwanted stages with --mount from stagename ok 72 build-test skipping unwanted stages with --mount from stagename with flag order changed ok 73 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, test pinning image ok 74 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, stagename and additional-context conflict ok 75 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, additionalContext and numeric value of stage ok 76 build-with-additional-build-context and FROM, stagename and additional-context conflict ok 77 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, additional context from host # skip --build-context option not implemented in podman-remote ok 78 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, additional context from external URL ok 79 build-with-additional-build-context and FROM, pin busybox to alpine ok 80 build-with-additional-build-context and RUN --mount=from=, additional-context and also test conflict with stagename ok 81 build-with-additional-build-context and RUN --mount=from=, additional-context not image and also test conflict with stagename # skip --build-context option not implemented in podman-remote ok 82 build-with-additional-build-context must use cache if built with layers ok 83 build-with-additional-build-context and RUN --mount=from=, additional-context is URL and mounted from subdir ok 84 build-with-additional-build-context and COPY, ensure .containerignore is being respected ok 85 bud with --layers and --no-cache flags ok 86 bud with no --layers comment ok 87 bud with --layers and single and two line Dockerfiles ok 88 bud with --layers, multistage, and COPY with --from ok 89 bud-multistage-partial-cache ok 90 bud-multistage-copy-final-slash ok 91 bud-multistage-reused ok 92 bud-multistage-cache ok 93 bud-multistage-pull-always ok 94 bud with --layers and symlink file ok 95 bud with --layers and dangling symlink ok 96 bud with --layers and --build-args ok 97 bud with --layers and --build-args: override ARG with ENV and image must be cached ok 98 bud with --layers and --build-args: use raw ARG and cache should not be used ok 99 bud with --rm flag ok 100 bud with --force-rm flag ok 101 bud --layers with non-existent/down registry ok 102 bud from base image should have base image ENV also ok 103 bud-from-scratch ok 104 bud-with-unlimited-memory-swap ok 105 build with --no-cache and --layer ok 106 build --unsetenv PATH ok 107 bud with --env ok 108 build with custom build output and output rootfs to directory # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 109 build with custom build output for multi-stage and output rootfs to directory # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 110 build with custom build output for multi-stage-cached and output rootfs to directory # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 111 build with custom build output for single-stage-cached and output rootfs to directory # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 112 build with custom build output and output rootfs to tar # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 113 build with custom build output and output rootfs to tar by pipe # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 114 build with custom build output and output rootfs to tar with no additional step # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 115 build with custom build output must fail for bad input # skip --output option not implemented in podman-remote ok 116 bud-from-scratch-untagged ok 117 bud with --tag ok 118 bud with bad --tag ok 119 bud-from-scratch-iid ok 120 bud-from-scratch-label ok 121 bud-from-scratch-remove-identity-label ok 122 bud-from-scratch-annotation ok 123 bud-from-scratch-layers ok 124 bud-from-multiple-files-one-from ok 125 bud-from-multiple-files-two-froms ok 126 build using --layer-label and test labels on intermediate images ok 127 bud and test --unsetlabel ok 128 build using intermediate images should not inherit label ok 129 bud-multi-stage-builds ok 130 bud-multi-stage-builds-small-as ok 131 bud-preserve-subvolumes ok 132 bud-http-Dockerfile ok 133 bud-http-context-with-Dockerfile ok 134 bud-http-context-dir-with-Dockerfile ok 135 bud-git-context # skip FIXME: 2024-05-28 new VMs from #338 ok 136 bud-git-context-subdirectory # skip FIXME: 2024-05-28 new VMs from #338 ok 137 bud-git-context-failure ok 138 bud-github-context ok 139 bud-github-context-from-commit ok 140 bud-github-context-with-branch-subdir-commit ok 141 bud-additional-tags ok 142 bud-additional-tags-cached ok 143 bud-volume-perms ok 144 bud-volume-ownership ok 145 bud-builtin-volume-symlink ok 146 bud-from-glob ok 147 bud-maintainer ok 148 bud-unrecognized-instruction ok 149 bud-shell ok 150 bud-shell during build in Docker format ok 151 bud-shell during build in OCI format ok 152 bud-shell changed during build in Docker format ok 153 bud-shell changed during build in OCI format ok 154 bud with symlinks ok 155 bud with symlinks to relative path ok 156 bud with multiple symlinks in a path ok 157 bud with multiple symlink pointing to itself ok 158 bud multi-stage with symlink to absolute path ok 159 bud multi-stage with dir symlink to absolute path ok 160 bud with ENTRYPOINT and RUN ok 161 bud with ENTRYPOINT and empty RUN ok 162 bud with CMD and RUN ok 163 bud with CMD and empty RUN ok 164 bud with ENTRYPOINT, CMD and RUN ok 165 bud with ENTRYPOINT, CMD and empty RUN ok 166 bud access ENV variable defined in same source file ok 167 bud access ENV variable defined in FROM image ok 168 bud ENV preserves special characters after commit ok 169 bud with Dockerfile from valid URL ok 170 bud with Dockerfile from invalid URL ok 171 bud with -f flag, alternate Dockerfile name ok 172 bud with --cache-from noop flag ok 173 bud with --compress noop flag ok 174 bud with --cpu-shares flag, no argument ok 175 bud with --cpu-shares flag, invalid argument ok 176 bud with --cpu-shares flag, valid argument ok 177 bud with --cpu-shares short flag (-c), no argument ok 178 bud with --cpu-shares short flag (-c), invalid argument ok 179 bud with --cpu-shares short flag (-c), valid argument ok 180 bud-onbuild ok 181 bud-onbuild-layers ok 182 bud-logfile ok 183 bud-logfile-with-split-logfile-by-platform # skip logfile not implemented on remote ok 184 bud with ARGS ok 185 bud with unused ARGS ok 186 bud with multi-value ARGS ok 187 bud-from-stdin ok 188 bud with preprocessor ok 189 bud with preprocessor error ok 190 bud-with-rejected-name ok 191 bud with chown copy ok 192 bud with combined chown and chmod copy ok 193 bud with combined chown and chmod add ok 194 bud with chown copy with bad chown flag in Dockerfile with --layers ok 195 bud with chown copy with unknown substitutions in Dockerfile ok 196 bud with chmod copy ok 197 bud with chmod copy with bad chmod flag in Dockerfile with --layers ok 198 bud with chmod add ok 199 bud with chown add ok 200 bud with chown add with bad chown flag in Dockerfile with --layers ok 201 bud with chmod add with bad chmod flag in Dockerfile with --layers ok 202 bud with ADD with checksum flag ok 203 bud with ADD with bad checksum ok 204 bud with ADD with bad checksum flag ok 205 bud with ADD file construct ok 206 bud with COPY of single file creates absolute path with correct permissions ok 207 bud with COPY of single file creates relative path with correct permissions ok 208 bud with ADD of single file creates absolute path with correct permissions ok 209 bud with ADD of single file creates relative path with correct permissions ok 210 bud multi-stage COPY creates absolute path with correct permissions ok 211 bud multi-stage COPY creates relative path with correct permissions ok 212 bud multi-stage COPY with invalid from statement ok 213 bud COPY to root succeeds ok 214 bud with FROM AS construct ok 215 bud with FROM AS construct with layers ok 216 bud with FROM AS skip FROM construct ok 217 build with -f pointing to not a file should fail ok 218 bud with symlink Dockerfile not specified in file ok 219 bud with ARG before FROM default value ok 220 bud with ARG before FROM ok 221 bud-with-healthcheck ok 222 bud with unused build arg ok 223 bud with copy-from and cache ok 224 bud with copy-from in Dockerfile no prior FROM ok 225 bud with copy-from with bad from flag in Dockerfile with --layers ok 226 bud with copy-from referencing the base image ok 227 bud with copy-from referencing the current stage ok 228 bud-target # skip --target does not work with podman-remote ok 229 bud-no-target-name ok 230 bud-multi-stage-nocache-nocommit ok 231 bud-multi-stage-cache-nocontainer # skip FIXME: Broken in CI right now ok 232 bud copy to symlink ok 233 bud copy to dangling symlink ok 234 bud WORKDIR isa symlink ok 235 bud WORKDIR isa symlink no target dir ok 236 bud WORKDIR isa symlink no target dir and follow on dir ok 237 buildah bud --volume ok 238 bud-copy-dot with --layers picks up changed file ok 239 buildah-bud-policy # skip --signature-policy does not work with podman-remote ok 240 bud-copy-replace-symlink ok 241 bud-copy-recurse ok 242 bud copy with .dockerignore #1 ok 243 bud copy with .dockerignore #2 ok 244 bud-copy-workdir ok 245 bud-copy-workdir --layers ok 246 bud-build-arg-cache ok 247 bud test RUN with a privileged command ok 248 bud-copy-dockerignore-hardlinks ok 249 bud without any arguments should succeed # skip does not work under podman ok 250 bud without any arguments should fail when no Dockerfile exists ok 251 bud with specified context should fail if directory contains no Dockerfile ok 252 bud with specified context should fail if Dockerfile in context directory is actually a file ok 253 bud with specified context should fail if context directory does not exist ok 254 bud with specified context should succeed if context contains existing Dockerfile # skip podman-build fails with 'context must be a directory' ok 255 bud with specified context should fail if context contains empty Dockerfile ok 256 bud-no-change ok 257 bud-no-change-label ok 258 bud-no-change-annotation ok 259 bud-squash-layers ok 260 bud-squash-hardlinks # skip argument-order incompatible with podman ok 261 rootless: support --device and renaming device using bind-mount ok 262 bud with additional directory of devices ok 263 bud with additional device ok 264 bud with Containerfile ok 265 bud with, --cpp-flag ok 266 bud with, via envariable # skip env-variable for pre-processing is not propagated on remote ok 267 bud with Dockerfile ok 268 bud with Containerfile and Dockerfile ok 269 bud-http-context-with-Containerfile ok 270 bud with Dockerfile from stdin ok 271 bud with Dockerfile from stdin tar ok 272 bud containerfile with args ok 273 bud using gitrepo and branch # skip FIXME: 2024-05-28 new VMs from #338 ok 274 bud using gitrepo with .git and branch ok 275 bud containerfile with tar archive in copy ok 276 bud pull never ok 277 bud pull false no local image ok 278 bud with Containerfile should fail with nonexistent authfile ok 279 bud for multi-stage Containerfile with invalid registry and --authfile as a fd, should fail with no such host ok 280 bud COPY with URL should fail ok 281 bud quiet ok 282 bud COPY with Env Var in Containerfile ok 283 bud with custom arch ok 284 bud with custom os ok 285 bud with custom os-version ok 286 bud with custom os-features ok 287 bud with custom platform ok 288 bud with custom platform and empty os or arch ok 289 bud Add with linked tarball ok 290 bud file above context directory ok 291 bud-multi-stage-args-scope ok 292 bud-multi-stage-args-history ok 293 bud-implicit-no-history # skip FIXME: 2024-04-16 nixery is down ok 294 bud with encrypted FROM image # skip FIXME: 2023-06-13 buildah PR 4746 broke this test ok 295 bud with --build-arg ok 296 bud arg and env var with same name ok 297 bud copy chown with newuser ok 298 bud-builder-identity ok 299 run check --from with arg ok 300 bud preserve rootfs for --mount=type=bind,from= ok 301 bud timestamp ok 302 bud timestamp compare ok 303 bud with-rusage ok 304 bud with-rusage-logfile ok 305 bud-caching-from-scratch ok 306 bud-caching-from-scratch-config ok 307 bud capabilities test ok 308 bud does not gobble stdin ok 309 bud cache by format ok 310 bud cache add-copy-chown ok 311 bud-terminal ok 312 bud --ignorefile containerignore ok 313 bud with network options ok 314 bud-replace-from-in-containerfile ok 315 bud test no --stdin # skip --stdin option will not be implemented in podman-remote ok 316 bud with --arch flag ok 317 bud with --manifest flag new manifest ok 318 bud with --manifest flag existing manifest ok 319 bud test empty newdir ok 320 bud retain intermediary image ok 321 bud --pull=ifmissing --arch test ok 322 bud --file with directory ok 323 bud --authfile ok 324 build verify cache behaviour with --cache-ttl ok 325 build verify cache behaviour with --cache-ttl=0s ok 326 build test pushing and pulling from multiple remote cache sources ok 327 build test pushing and pulling from remote cache sources ok 328 build test pushing and pulling from remote cache sources - after adding content summary ok 329 build test run mounting stage cached from remote cache source ok 330 bud with undefined build arg directory ok 331 bud with arg in from statement ok 332 bud with --runtime and --runtime-flag # skip --runtime not meaningful under podman-remote ok 333 bud - invalid runtime flags test # skip --runtime-flags does not work with podman-remote ok 334 bud - accept at most one arg ok 335 bud with --no-hostname # skip does not pass in Podman CI: needs investigation ok 336 bud with --add-host ok 337 bud with --cgroup-parent ok 338 bud with --cpu-period and --cpu-quota ok 339 bud check mount /sys/fs/cgroup ok 340 bud with --cpu-shares ok 341 bud with --cpuset-cpus ok 342 bud with --cpuset-mems ok 343 bud with --isolation ok 344 bud with --pull-always ok 345 bud with --memory and --memory-swap ok 346 bud with --shm-size ok 347 bud with --ulimit ok 348 bud with .dockerignore #3 ok 349 bud with copy --exclude ok 350 bud with containerfile secret # skip secret files not implemented under podman-remote ok 351 bud with containerfile secret and secret is accessed twice and build should be successful ok 352 bud with containerfile secret accessed on second RUN # skip secret files not implemented under podman-remote ok 353 bud with default mode perms ok 354 bud with containerfile secret options # skip secret files not implemented under podman-remote ok 355 bud with containerfile secret not required ok 356 bud with containerfile secret required ok 357 bud with containerfile env secret # skip secret files not implemented under podman-remote ok 358 bud with containerfile env secret priority # skip secret files not implemented under podman-remote ok 359 bud-multiple-platform-values # skip FIXME: #4396 - this test is broken, and is failing gating tests ok 360 bud-multiple-platform-no-partial-manifest-list ok 361 bud-multiple-platform-failure ok 362 bud-multiple-platform-no-run ok 363 bud-multiple-platform-with-base-as-default-arg ok 364 bud-multiple-platform for --all-platform with additional-build-context ok 365 bud-targetplatform-as-build-arg ok 366 bud-multistage-relabel ok 367 bud-from-relabel ok 368 bud with run should not leave mounts behind cleanup test ok 369 bud with custom files in /run/ should persist cleanup test ok 370 bud-with-mount-like-buildkit ok 371 bud-with-mount-no-source-like-buildkit ok 372 bud-with-mount-with-only-target-like-buildkit ok 373 bud-with-mount-no-subdir-like-buildkit ok 374 bud-with-mount-relative-path-like-buildkit ok 375 bud-with-mount-with-rw-like-buildkit ok 376 bud-verify-if-we-dont-clean-preexisting-path ok 377 bud-with-mount-with-tmpfs-like-buildkit ok 378 bud-with-mount-with-tmpfs-with-copyup-like-buildkit not ok 379 bud-with-mount-cache-like-buildkit # (from function `assert' in file tests/helpers.bash, line 578, # from function `expect_output' in file tests/helpers.bash, line 605, # in test file tests/bud.bats, line 6762) # `expect_output --substring "hello"' failed # /var/tmp/go/src/ /var/tmp/go/src/ # # podman --root /var/tmp/buildah_tests.4g0cdb/root --runroot /var/tmp/buildah_tests.4g0cdb/runroot --storage-driver vfs --registries-conf /var/tmp/go/src/ system service [...] unix:///run/podman/podman-379.sock # # [checking for:] # # [restoring from cache: /var/tmp/bats-run-lizKmp/suite/buildah-image-cache /] # Getting image source signatures # Copying blob sha256:9d16cba9fb961d1aafec9542f2bf7cb64acfc55245f9e4eb5abecd4cdc38d749 # Copying config sha256:961769676411f082461f9ef46626dd7a2d1e2b2a38e6a44364bcbecf51e66dd4 # Writing manifest to image destination # # podman-remote build --force-rm=false --layers=false -t testbud --signature-policy /var/tmp/go/src/ -f /var/tmp/buildah_tests.4g0cdb/buildkit-mount/Dockerfilecachewrite # STEP 1/3: FROM alpine # STEP 2/3: RUN mkdir /test # STEP 3/3: RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/test,z echo hello > /test/world # COMMIT testbud # Getting image source signatures # Copying blob sha256:03901b4a2ea88eeaad62dbe59b072b28b6efa00491962b8741081c5df50c65e0 # Copying blob sha256:420cbb394a193a9cf56d348e7b90059aaa40f0c85f5ba3ca787d43f9a9894a17 # Copying config sha256:a9b8c3163be1d0693b20f46a46649d2a9e0560822d64160d2d90998f93a28bc9 # Writing manifest to image destination # --> a9b8c3163be1 # Successfully tagged localhost/testbud:latest # a9b8c3163be1d0693b20f46a46649d2a9e0560822d64160d2d90998f93a28bc9 # # podman-remote build --force-rm=false --layers=false -t testbud2 --signature-policy /var/tmp/go/src/ -f /var/tmp/buildah_tests.4g0cdb/buildkit-mount/Dockerfilecacheread # STEP 1/3: FROM alpine # STEP 2/3: RUN mkdir /test # STEP 3/3: RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/test,z cat /test/world # world # COMMIT testbud2 # Getting image source signatures # Copying blob sha256:03901b4a2ea88eeaad62dbe59b072b28b6efa00491962b8741081c5df50c65e0 # Copying blob sha256:5528279b701bc23d62bdfd759128b01981c47c7f00284d1b8ce521088a0dc0e7 # Copying config sha256:c1caed7d4aa62e476639e1569a400c8399c7c937d7212624496a6b4003b7a154 # Writing manifest to image destination # --> c1caed7d4aa6 # Successfully tagged localhost/testbud2:latest # c1caed7d4aa62e476639e1569a400c8399c7c937d7212624496a6b4003b7a154 # #/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv # #| FAIL: podman-remote build --force-rm=false --layers=false -t testbud2 --signature-policy /var/tmp/go/src/ -f /var/tmp/buildah_tests.4g0cdb/buildkit-mount/Dockerfilecacheread # #| expected: =~ 'hello' # #| actual: 'STEP 1/3: FROM alpine' # #| > 'STEP 2/3: RUN mkdir /test' # #| > 'STEP 3/3: RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/test,z cat /test/world' # #| > 'world' # #| > 'COMMIT testbud2' # #| > 'Getting image source signatures' # #| > 'Copying blob sha256:03901b4a2ea88eeaad62dbe59b072b28b6efa00491962b8741081c5df50c65e0' # #| > 'Copying blob sha256:5528279b701bc23d62bdfd759128b01981c47c7f00284d1b8ce521088a0dc0e7' # #| > 'Copying config sha256:c1caed7d4aa62e476639e1569a400c8399c7c937d7212624496a6b4003b7a154' # #| > 'Writing manifest to image destination' # #| > '--> c1caed7d4aa6' # #| > 'Successfully tagged localhost/testbud2:latest' # #| > 'c1caed7d4aa62e476639e1569a400c8399c7c937d7212624496a6b4003b7a154' # #\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # teardown: stopping podman server 163535 # /var/tmp/go/src/ ok 380 bud-with-mount-cache-like-buildkit with buildah prune should clear the cache # skip Weird. This used to work remote, until Ed set TMPDIR in #5804 ok 381 bud-with-mount-cache-like-buildkit-verify-default-selinux-option # skip FIXME: can this test be made to work under podman-remote? ok 382 bud-with-mount-cache-like-buildkit-locked-across-steps ok 383 bud-with-multiple-mount-keeps-default-bind-mount ok 384 bud with user in groups ok 385 build proxy # skip envariables do not automatically work with -remote. ok 386 bud-with-mount-bind-from-like-buildkit ok 387 bud-with-writeable-mount-bind-from-like-buildkit ok 388 bud-with-mount-bind-from-without-source-like-buildkit ok 389 bud-with-mount-bind-from-with-empty-from-like-buildkit ok 390 bud-with-mount-cache-from-like-buildkit ok 391 bud-with-mount-cache-image-from-like-buildkit ok 392 bud-with-mount-cache-multiple-from-like-buildkit ok 393 bud-with-mount-bind-from-relative-like-buildkit ok 394 bud-with-mount-bind-from-multistage-relative-like-buildkit ok 395 bud-with-mount-bind-from-cache-multistage-relative-like-buildkit ok 396 bud with network names ok 397 bud with --network slirp4netns ok 398 bud with --network pasta # skip pasta only works rootless ok 399 bud WORKDIR owned by USER ok 400 build interrupted ok 401 build terminated ok 402 build killed ok 403 build-multiple-parse ok 404 build-with-network-test ok 405 build-with-no-new-privileges-test ok 406 build --group-add ok 407 build-env-precedence ok 408 build prints 12-digit hash ok 409 build with name path changes ok 410 build test default ulimits # skip --events-backend does not work with podman-remote ok 411 build no write file on host - CVE-2024-1753 ok 412 pull policy ok 413 build-test --mount=type=secret test from env with chroot isolation # skip envariables do not automatically work with -remote. ok 414 build-logs-from-platform ok 415 build add https retry ca # skip --cert-dir option not working via remote and retry warnings are printed on the server ok 416 bud with ADD with git repository source ok 417 build-validates-bind-bind-propagation ok 418 build-validates-cache-bind-propagation ok 419 build-check-cve-2024-9675 ok 420 build-mounts-implicit-workdir ok 421 build-security-opt-mask ok 422 build-mounts-build-context-rw *************************************** Error running buildah bud tests under podman. Is it possible that your PR breaks podman build in some way? Please review the test failure and double-check your changes. Please see test/buildah-bud/ for advice [05:25:02] END - [+0891s] total duration since 2025-02-27T11:25:02Z
Summary: 374 Passed, 1 Failed, 47 Skipped. Total tests: 422

Processed Thu Feb 27 05:25:02 2025 by logformatter v0.3