
GitHub PR:23091 - Update module to v2.38.0
Test name:machine-linux podman fedora-40-aarch64 rootless host sqlite
Cirrus:Build 6486271583846400 / Task 5141816444452864
Logs:main / journal
Base commit:d4c4801dcd2314822b3d323c1dcc1bc84daa9591

[08:22:16] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2024-06-25T08:22:16Z.
[+0000s] + make localmachine  # /var/tmp/go/src/ in _run_machine-linux()
[+0004s] # gitCommit needed by logformatter, to link to sources
         make ginkgo-run GINKGO_PARALLEL=n TAGS="remote exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper containers_image_openpgp" GINKGO_FLAKE_ATTEMPTS=0 FOCUS_FILE= GINKGOWHAT=pkg/machine/e2e/.
         make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
[+0005s] make -C test/tools build/ginkgo
         make[2]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         go build -o build/ginkgo ./vendor/
[+0015s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         ./test/tools/build/ginkgo version
         Ginkgo Version 2.19.0
         ./test/tools/build/ginkgo -vv  --tags "remote exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper containers_image_openpgp remote" -timeout=90m --flake-attempts 0 \
         	--trace --no-color \
         	--json-report ginkgo-e2e.json   \
[+0074s] Running Suite: Podman Machine tests - /var/tmp/go/src/
         Random Seed: 1719303751
         Will run 55 of 55 specs



→ Enter [BeforeSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:23:30.574 Looking up Podman Machine image at to create VM Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:54d44d6d25cf3a6c611e4d8d4ac1f8de205ad7b5b48be5f39dc3346eb475f152 [+0088s] Copying config sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a Writing manifest to image destination 54d44d6d25cf3a6c611e4d8d4ac1f8de205ad7b5b48be5f39dc3346eb475f152 [+0093s] ← Exit [BeforeSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:23:49.188 (18.613s)
[BeforeSuite] PASSED [18.614 seconds]


podman machine start


start simple machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:23:49.188 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:23:49.188 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start simple machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:23:49.188 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 5b24d94ce538 [+0097s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 5b24d94ce538 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 5b24d94ce538 Starting machine "5b24d94ce538" [+0122s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 5b24d94ce538 [+0123s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3386178505:/tmp/podman_test3386178505 [+0124s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3386178505/podman/5b24d94ce538-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3386178505/podman/5b24d94ce538-api.sock' Machine "5b24d94ce538" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 5b24d94ce538 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test3386178505/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test3386178505/podman/5b24d94ce538-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:23:49.241914676Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "5b24d94ce538", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test3386178505/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 35149, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 5b24d94ce538 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0126s] Machine "5b24d94ce538" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 5b24d94ce538 --no-info Starting machine "5b24d94ce538" [+0147s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3386178505:/tmp/podman_test3386178505 Machine "5b24d94ce538" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 5b24d94ce538 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0148s] Machine "5b24d94ce538" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 5b24d94ce538 --quiet [+0170s] Machine "5b24d94ce538" started successfully ← Exit [It] start simple machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:06.405 (1m17.217s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:06.405 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 5b24d94ce538 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0172s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.178 (1.773s)
• [78.990 seconds]


podman machine start


bad start name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.178 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.178 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad start name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.178 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad start name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.2 (21ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.2 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.221 (21ms)
• [0.043 seconds]


podman machine start


start machine already started

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.221 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.221 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start machine already started - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:08.221 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 70aa6ff4fd13 [+0176s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 70aa6ff4fd13 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 70aa6ff4fd13 Starting machine "70aa6ff4fd13" [+0200s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 70aa6ff4fd13 [+0201s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1966076929:/tmp/podman_test1966076929 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1966076929/podman/70aa6ff4fd13-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1966076929/podman/70aa6ff4fd13-api.sock' Machine "70aa6ff4fd13" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 70aa6ff4fd13 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1966076929/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1966076929/podman/70aa6ff4fd13-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:25:08.24432631Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "70aa6ff4fd13", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1966076929/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 45763, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 70aa6ff4fd13 Starting machine "70aa6ff4fd13" Error: unable to start "70aa6ff4fd13": machine 70aa6ff4fd13: VM already running or starting ← Exit [It] start machine already started - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:37.952 (29.731s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:37.952 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 70aa6ff4fd13 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0203s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:39.734 (1.782s)
• [31.514 seconds]


podman machine start


start machine with conflict on SSH port

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:39.735 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:39.735 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start machine with conflict on SSH port - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:25:39.735 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 490551cfdaba [+0208s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 490551cfdaba /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.Port}} 490551cfdaba 38579 /var/tmp/go/src/ system connection list --format {{.URI}} ssh://core@ ssh://root@ /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 490551cfdaba Starting machine "490551cfdaba" time="2024-06-25T08:25:44Z" level=warning msg="detected port conflict on machine ssh port [38579], reassigning" [+0231s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 490551cfdaba [+0232s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1432830283:/tmp/podman_test1432830283 [+0233s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1432830283/podman/490551cfdaba-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1432830283/podman/490551cfdaba-api.sock' Machine "490551cfdaba" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.Port}} 490551cfdaba 40695 /var/tmp/go/src/ system connection list --format {{.URI}} ssh://core@ ssh://root@ ← Exit [It] start machine with conflict on SSH port - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:09.496 (29.762s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:09.496 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 490551cfdaba Waiting for VM to exit... [+0234s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:10.783 (1.287s)
• [31.048 seconds]


podman machine start


start only starts specified machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:10.783 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:10.783 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start only starts specified machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:10.783 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 b9659fb60b5d [+0239s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start b9659fb60b5d /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 7e0cba1e147e [+0243s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 7e0cba1e147e /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start b9659fb60b5d Starting machine "b9659fb60b5d" [+0268s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful b9659fb60b5d [+0269s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test398821780:/tmp/podman_test398821780 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test398821780/podman/b9659fb60b5d-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test398821780/podman/b9659fb60b5d-api.sock' Machine "b9659fb60b5d" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.State}} b9659fb60b5d running /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.State}} 7e0cba1e147e stopped ← Exit [It] start only starts specified machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:45.805 (35.022s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:45.806 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b9659fb60b5d Waiting for VM to exit... [+0271s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 7e0cba1e147e ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:47.346 (1.541s)
• [36.563 seconds]


podman machine start


start two machines in parallel

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:47.346 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:47.346 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start two machines in parallel - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:26:47.346 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 m1-a1a436bea894 [+0275s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start m1-a1a436bea894 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 m2-750dea17a288 [+0280s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start m2-750dea17a288 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start m1-a1a436bea894 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start m2-750dea17a288 Starting machine "m1-a1a436bea894" Starting machine "m2-750dea17a288" [+0306s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful m1-a1a436bea894 [+0307s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1135525291:/tmp/podman_test1135525291 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1135525291/podman/m1-a1a436bea894-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1135525291/podman/m1-a1a436bea894-api.sock' Machine "m1-a1a436bea894" started successfully Error: unable to start "m2-750dea17a288": machine m1-a1a436bea894: VM already running or starting ← Exit [It] start two machines in parallel - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:23.8 (36.454s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:23.8 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force m1-a1a436bea894 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0309s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force m2-750dea17a288 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:25.341 (1.541s)
• [37.995 seconds]


podman machine info


machine info

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:25.341 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:25.341 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:25.341 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info host: arch: arm64 currentmachine: "" defaultmachine: "" eventsdir: /tmp/podman_test3098377242/podman machineconfigdir: /tmp/podman_test3098377242/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu machineimagedir: /tmp/podman_test3098377242/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu machinestate: "" numberofmachines: 0 os: linux vmtype: qemu version: apiversion: 5.2.0-dev version: 5.2.0-dev goversion: go1.22.4 gitcommit: d1bfc6d8d0e939e2550ce8870244ec6e7d57f279 builttime: Tue Jun 25 08:05:53 2024 built: 1719302753 osarch: linux/arm64 os: linux /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format {{.Host.NumberOfMachines}} 0 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 581ecb991696 [+0313s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 581ecb991696 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format {{.Host.NumberOfMachines}} 1 [+0314s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format json { "Host": { "Arch": "arm64", "CurrentMachine": "581ecb991696", "DefaultMachine": "581ecb991696", "EventsDir": "/tmp/podman_test3098377242/podman", "MachineConfigDir": "/tmp/podman_test3098377242/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu", "MachineImageDir": "/tmp/podman_test3098377242/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu", "MachineState": "Stopped", "NumberOfMachines": 1, "OS": "linux", "VMType": "qemu" }, "Version": { "APIVersion": "5.2.0-dev", "Version": "5.2.0-dev", "GoVersion": "go1.22.4", "GitCommit": "d1bfc6d8d0e939e2550ce8870244ec6e7d57f279", "BuiltTime": "Tue Jun 25 08:05:53 2024", "Built": 1719302753, "OsArch": "linux/arm64", "Os": "linux" } } ← Exit [It] machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.031 (4.69s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.031 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 581ecb991696 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.305 (274ms)
• [4.964 seconds]


podman machine stop


stop bad name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.305 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.305 (0s)
→ Enter [It] stop bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.305 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] stop bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.326 (21ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.326 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.347 (21ms)
• [0.042 seconds]


podman machine stop


Stop running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.347 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.347 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Stop running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:27:30.347 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now b3db84068ccf [+0318s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "b3db84068ccf" [+0342s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful b3db84068ccf [+0344s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2951202514:/tmp/podman_test2951202514 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2951202514/podman/b3db84068ccf-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2951202514/podman/b3db84068ccf-api.sock' Machine "b3db84068ccf" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop b3db84068ccf Waiting for VM to exit... [+0345s] Machine "b3db84068ccf" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop b3db84068ccf Machine "b3db84068ccf" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.LastUp.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}} b3db84068ccf 2024-06-25T08:28:01Z ← Exit [It] Stop running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:01.78 (31.432s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:01.78 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b3db84068ccf [+0346s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.064 (285ms)
• [31.717 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect bad name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.064 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.064 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.064 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [] Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] inspect bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.095 (31ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.095 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.116 (21ms)
• [0.052 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect two machines

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.116 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.117 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect two machines - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:02.117 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo1 [+0350s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo2 [+0355s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo2 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Name}} foo1 foo1 ← Exit [It] inspect two machines - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.215 (9.098s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.215 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo2 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.743 (528ms)
• [9.626 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect with go format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.743 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.743 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect with go format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:11.743 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 f4c41c8652c9 [+0360s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start f4c41c8652c9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect f4c41c8652c9 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2887570216/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2887570216/podman/f4c41c8652c9-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:11.767254034Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "f4c41c8652c9", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2887570216/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 33927, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Name}} f4c41c8652c9 f4c41c8652c9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Abcde}} f4c41c8652c9 Error: template: inspect:1:13: executing "inspect" at <.Abcde>: can't evaluate field Abcde in type machine.InspectInfo ← Exit [It] inspect with go format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.35 (4.607s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.35 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force f4c41c8652c9 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.624 (274ms)
• [4.881 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect shows a unique socket name per machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.624 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.624 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect shows a unique socket name per machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:16.624 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 42dc1a2c49b1 [+0365s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 42dc1a2c49b1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 42dc1a2c49b1 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/podman/42dc1a2c49b1-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:16.648699528Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "42dc1a2c49b1", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 43439, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 3d982e51ee87 [+0369s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 3d982e51ee87 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 3d982e51ee87 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/podman/3d982e51ee87-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:21.198538848Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "3d982e51ee87", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1921502925/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 40031, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] inspect shows a unique socket name per machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:25.703 (9.079s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:25.703 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 42dc1a2c49b1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 3d982e51ee87 [+0370s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.232 (528ms)
• [9.608 seconds]


podman machine init


bad init name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.232 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.232 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.232 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: machine name "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" must be 30 characters or less /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 qemu Error: cannot use "qemu" for a machine name /var/tmp/go/src/ -r system connection add foobar tcp://localhost:8000 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foobar Error: system connection "foobar" already exists. consider a different machine name or remove the connection with `podman system connection rm` /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 ab/cd Error: invalid name "ab/cd": names must match [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*: invalid argument /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --username -/a 1212ac9c0e99 Error: invalid username "-/a": names must match [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*: invalid argument /var/tmp/go/src/ -r system connection rm foobar ← Exit [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.379 (147ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.379 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force qemu Error: qemu: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foobar Error: foobar: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force ab/cd Error: ab/cd: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 1212ac9c0e99 Error: 1212ac9c0e99: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.485 (106ms)
• [0.253 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.485 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.485 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:26.485 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 236c3c936f59 [+0374s] Image resized. [+0375s] Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 236c3c936f59 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 236c3c936f59 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2724329537/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2724329537/podman/236c3c936f59-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:26.508902769Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "236c3c936f59", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2724329537/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 41651, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] simple init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.039 (4.554s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.039 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 236c3c936f59 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.314 (275ms)
• [4.829 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init with start

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.314 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.314 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init with start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:28:31.314 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 6217a85447f9 [+0379s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 6217a85447f9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 6217a85447f9 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/podman/6217a85447f9-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:31.339138643Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "6217a85447f9", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 42451, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 6217a85447f9 Starting machine "6217a85447f9" [+0404s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 6217a85447f9 [+0405s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test717683928:/tmp/podman_test717683928 [+0406s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test717683928/podman/6217a85447f9-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test717683928/podman/6217a85447f9-api.sock' Machine "6217a85447f9" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 6217a85447f9 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/podman/6217a85447f9-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:28:31.339138643Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "6217a85447f9", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test717683928/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 42451, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 6217a85447f9 sudo systemctl is-enabled zincati disabled ← Exit [It] simple init with start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:02.633 (31.319s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:02.633 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 6217a85447f9 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0408s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:04.416 (1.783s)
• [33.102 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init with username

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:04.416 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:04.416 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init with username - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:04.416 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --username remoteuser --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 84453889c1d0 [+0412s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 84453889c1d0 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 84453889c1d0 [+0413s] [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2902725450/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2902725450/podman/84453889c1d0-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:29:04.440472483Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "84453889c1d0", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2902725450/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 45441, "RemoteUsername": "remoteuser" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] simple init with username - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.031 (4.615s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.031 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 84453889c1d0 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.306 (275ms)
• [4.890 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.306 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.306 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:29:09.306 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --cpus 2 --disk-size 102 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --memory 4096 --timezone Pacific/Honolulu 35192fb7cae9 [+0417s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 35192fb7cae9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 35192fb7cae9 Starting machine "35192fb7cae9"
[+0657s] [FAILED] Timed out after 240.001s. Expected process to exit. It did not. In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:33:13.821 Full Stack Trace*machineSession).waitWithTimeout(0x40005ba178, 0x37e11d6000) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xc8{0x400017a2c0, 0x3e}, {0x40005b6640, 0x3, 0x4}, 0x37e11d6000, 0x1) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x2f0*machineTestBuilder).run(...) /var/tmp/go/src/ /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x308
← Exit [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:33:13.821 (4m4.515s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:33:13.821 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 35192fb7cae9
[+0897s] [FAILED] Timed out after 240.001s. Expected process to exit. It did not. In [AfterEach] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:13.822 Full Stack Trace*machineSession).waitWithTimeout(0x40005ba078, 0x37e11d6000) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xc8{0x400017a2c0, 0x3e}, {0x40005b6380, 0x4, 0x4}, 0x37e11d6000, 0x1) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x2f0*machineTestBuilder).run(...) /var/tmp/go/src/{0x400004419d, 0x13}, {0x4000500560, 0x1a}, 0x40004041c0) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xec /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x40
← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:13.822 (4m0.002s)
• [FAILED] [484.517 seconds] podman machine init /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine init


machine init with volume

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:13.823 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:13.823 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with volume - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:13.823 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/2970696681:/very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes --now d9d596d8a367 [+0902s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "d9d596d8a367" [+0926s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful d9d596d8a367 [+0927s] Mounting volume... /tmp/2970696681:/very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test72788790/podman/d9d596d8a367-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test72788790/podman/d9d596d8a367-api.sock' Machine "d9d596d8a367" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh d9d596d8a367 ls /very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes [+0928s] example2652399888 ← Exit [It] machine init with volume - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:44.282 (30.459s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:44.282 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force d9d596d8a367 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0930s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:46.044 (1.762s)
• [32.222 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init rootless docker.sock check

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:46.044 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:46.044 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init rootless docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:37:46.044 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 29887faeff71 [+0934s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 29887faeff71 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 29887faeff71 Starting machine "29887faeff71" [+0958s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 29887faeff71 [+0960s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2143394385:/tmp/podman_test2143394385 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2143394385/podman/29887faeff71-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2143394385/podman/29887faeff71-api.sock' Machine "29887faeff71" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 29887faeff71 readlink /var/run/docker.sock /run/user/5472/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] machine init rootless docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:16.987 (30.942s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:16.987 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 29887faeff71 [+0961s] Waiting for VM to exit... [+0962s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:18.253 (1.266s)
• [32.209 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init rootful with docker.sock check

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:18.253 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:18.253 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init rootful with docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:18.253 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --rootful 402a6de5dd1b [+0966s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 402a6de5dd1b /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 402a6de5dd1b Starting machine "402a6de5dd1b" [+0993s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test4161107030:/tmp/podman_test4161107030 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test4161107030/podman/402a6de5dd1b-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test4161107030/podman/402a6de5dd1b-api.sock' Machine "402a6de5dd1b" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Rootful}} 402a6de5dd1b true /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 402a6de5dd1b readlink /var/run/docker.sock [+0994s] /run/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] machine init rootful with docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:50.07 (31.816s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:50.07 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 402a6de5dd1b Waiting for VM to exit... [+0995s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:51.335 (1.266s)
• [33.082 seconds]


podman machine init


init should cleanup on failure

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:51.336 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:51.336 (0s)
→ Enter [It] init should cleanup on failure - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:38:51.336 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 007beaadf278 [+0999s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 007beaadf278 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.ConfigDir.Path}} 007beaadf278 /tmp/podman_test693287774/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 007beaadf278 [+1000s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 007beaadf278 [] Error: 007beaadf278: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --ignition-path /bad/path --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 007beaadf278 [+1004s] Error: open /bad/path: no such file or directory ← Exit [It] init should cleanup on failure - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.9 (9.564s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 007beaadf278 Error: 007beaadf278: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.922 (21ms)
• [9.586 seconds]


podman machine init


verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.922 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.922 (0s)
→ Enter [It] verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5 - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:00.922 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list time="2024-06-25T08:39:00Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect foobar-machine [] Error: incompatible machine config "/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json" (foobar-machine) for this version of Podman /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 26ff821cb084 time="2024-06-25T08:39:00Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" [+1009s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 26ff821cb084 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list time="2024-06-25T08:39:05Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE 26ff821cb084* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 26ff821cb084 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1136958111/podman/26ff821cb084-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:39:00.987973366Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "26ff821cb084", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 41325, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5 - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.509 (4.587s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.509 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 0030e26873fd Error: 0030e26873fd: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foobar-machine Error: incompatible machine config "/tmp/podman_test1136958111/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json" (foobar-machine) for this version of Podman /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 26ff821cb084 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.805 (296ms)
• [4.883 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init with rosetta=true

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.805 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.805 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with rosetta=true - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.805 [SKIPPED] Test is only for AppleHv In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 Full Stack Trace, {0x130b1bd, 0x18}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x38 ← Exit [It] machine init with rosetta=true - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine init /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] machine init with rosetta=true /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine init


machine init with rosetta=false

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with rosetta=false - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 [SKIPPED] Test is only for AppleHv In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 Full Stack Trace, {0x130b1bd, 0x18}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x44 ← Exit [It] machine init with rosetta=false - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine init /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] machine init with rosetta=false /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine ssh


bad machine name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad machine name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.806 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 9c59c43dc521 Error: vm podman-machine-default not found: podman-machine-default: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad machine name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.827 (21ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.827 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 9c59c43dc521 Error: 9c59c43dc521: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.849 (21ms)
• [0.043 seconds]


podman machine ssh


ssh to non-running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.849 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.849 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to non-running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:05.849 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 ba00892db8ea [+1014s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start ba00892db8ea /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh ba00892db8ea Error: vm "ba00892db8ea" is not running ← Exit [It] ssh to non-running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.364 (4.515s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.364 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force ba00892db8ea ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.618 (254ms)
• [4.769 seconds]


podman machine ssh


ssh to running machine and check os-type

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.618 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.618 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to running machine and check os-type - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:10.618 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 80aeefd37d30 [+1019s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "80aeefd37d30" [+1042s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 80aeefd37d30 [+1043s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test762010690:/tmp/podman_test762010690 [+1044s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test762010690/podman/80aeefd37d30-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test762010690/podman/80aeefd37d30-api.sock' Machine "80aeefd37d30" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 80aeefd37d30 cat /etc/os-release NAME="Fedora Linux" VERSION="40.20240519.2.0 (CoreOS)" ID=fedora VERSION_ID=40 VERSION_CODENAME="" PLATFORM_ID="platform:f40" PRETTY_NAME="Fedora CoreOS 40.20240519.2.0" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;60;110;180" LOGO=fedora-logo-icon CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:40" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=40 REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=40 SUPPORT_END=2025-05-13 VARIANT="CoreOS" VARIANT_ID=coreos OSTREE_VERSION='40.20240519.2.0' /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 80aeefd37d30 false [+1045s] ← Exit [It] ssh to running machine and check os-type - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:41.037 (30.419s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:41.037 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 80aeefd37d30 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1046s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:42.304 (1.266s)
• [31.685 seconds]


podman machine set


set machine cpus, disk, memory

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:42.304 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:42.304 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:39:42.304 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 7d68b8978649 [+1050s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 7d68b8978649 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --cpus 2 --disk-size 102 --memory 4096 7d68b8978649 Image resized. /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --cpus 2 --disk-size 5 --memory 4096 7d68b8978649 Error: new disk size must be larger than 102 GB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 7d68b8978649 Starting machine "7d68b8978649" [+1075s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 7d68b8978649 [+1076s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test534529273:/tmp/podman_test534529273 [+1077s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test534529273/podman/7d68b8978649-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test534529273/podman/7d68b8978649-api.sock' Machine "7d68b8978649" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 7d68b8978649 lscpu | grep "CPU(s):" | head -1 CPU(s): 2 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 7d68b8978649 sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk Disk /dev/vda: 102 GiB, 109521666048 bytes, 213909504 sectors Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: C59B6B1E-D2FB-49BF-9629-59F805F1C7C4 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 7d68b8978649 cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i 'memtotal' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' [+1078s] 3986920 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --cpus 4 --disk-size 5 --memory 4096 7d68b8978649 Error: new disk size must be larger than 102 GB ← Exit [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:14.123 (31.819s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:14.123 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 7d68b8978649 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1079s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.39 (1.267s)
• [33.087 seconds]


podman machine set


wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 (0s)
→ Enter [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 [SKIPPED] tests are only for WSL provider In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 Full Stack Trace, {0x1317f96, 0x1f}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x38 ← Exit [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 (0s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 (0s)
S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine set /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine set


no settings should change if no flags

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 (0s)
→ Enter [It] no settings should change if no flags - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:15.391 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 7d411a8376b9 [+1083s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 7d411a8376b9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set 7d411a8376b9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 7d411a8376b9 Starting machine "7d411a8376b9" [+1108s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 7d411a8376b9 [+1109s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3248420562:/tmp/podman_test3248420562 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3248420562/podman/7d411a8376b9-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3248420562/podman/7d411a8376b9-api.sock' Machine "7d411a8376b9" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 7d411a8376b9 lscpu | grep "CPU(s):" | head -1 [+1110s] CPU(s): 32 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 7d411a8376b9 sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk Disk /dev/vda: 11 GiB, 11811160064 bytes, 23068672 sectors Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: A8C099FB-FBD2-4252-A978-5B6A124807C1 ← Exit [It] no settings should change if no flags - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:46.622 (31.23s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:46.622 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 7d411a8376b9 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1111s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:47.889 (1.267s)
• [32.498 seconds]


podman machine set


set rootful with docker sock change

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:47.889 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:47.889 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set rootful with docker sock change - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:40:47.889 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 368b934b158f [+1116s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 368b934b158f /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --rootful 368b934b158f /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 368b934b158f Starting machine "368b934b158f" [+1142s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2645276525:/tmp/podman_test2645276525 [+1143s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2645276525/podman/368b934b158f-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2645276525/podman/368b934b158f-api.sock' Machine "368b934b158f" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Rootful}} 368b934b158f true /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 368b934b158f readlink /var/run/docker.sock /run/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] set rootful with docker sock change - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:19.634 (31.746s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:19.634 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 368b934b158f Waiting for VM to exit... [+1144s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.901 (1.267s)
• [33.013 seconds]


podman machine set


set user mode networking

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.901 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.901 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set user mode networking - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.901 [SKIPPED] Test is only for WSL In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 Full Stack Trace /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x5c ← Exit [It] set user mode networking - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 (0s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 (0s)
S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine set /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] set user mode networking /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine set


set while machine already running

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set while machine already running - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:20.902 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 b75b31e80eac [+1149s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start b75b31e80eac /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start b75b31e80eac Starting machine "b75b31e80eac" [+1173s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful b75b31e80eac [+1174s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1356558615:/tmp/podman_test1356558615 [+1175s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1356558615/podman/b75b31e80eac-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1356558615/podman/b75b31e80eac-api.sock' Machine "b75b31e80eac" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --rootful b75b31e80eac Error: unable to change settings unless vm is stopped ← Exit [It] set while machine already running - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:51.29 (30.388s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:51.29 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b75b31e80eac Waiting for VM to exit... [+1176s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.557 (1.267s)
• [31.656 seconds]


podman machine reset


starting from scratch should not error

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.557 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.558 (0s)
→ Enter [It] starting from scratch should not error - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.558 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force ← Exit [It] starting from scratch should not error - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.588 (31ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.588 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force fab0a07c5e8d Error: fab0a07c5e8d: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.609 (21ms)
• [0.052 seconds]


podman machine reset


reset machine with one defined machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.609 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.609 (0s)
→ Enter [It] reset machine with one defined machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:52.609 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 5a169bd33751 [+1181s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 5a169bd33751 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading 5a169bd33751* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading ← Exit [It] reset machine with one defined machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.469 (4.859s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.469 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 5a169bd33751 Error: 5a169bd33751: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.49 (21ms)
• [4.881 seconds]


podman machine reset


reset with running machine and other machines idle

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.49 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.49 (0s)
→ Enter [It] reset with running machine and other machines idle - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:41:57.49 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 0cfba00a3c55 [+1185s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "0cfba00a3c55" [+1209s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 0cfba00a3c55 [+1210s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1593290314:/tmp/podman_test1593290314 [+1211s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1593290314/podman/0cfba00a3c55-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1593290314/podman/0cfba00a3c55-api.sock' Machine "0cfba00a3c55" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading 0cfba00a3c55* qemu 30 seconds ago Currently running 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 23f8b8fad855 [+1216s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 23f8b8fad855 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading 0cfba00a3c55* qemu 34 seconds ago Currently running 32 2GiB 11GiB 23f8b8fad855 qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force Waiting for VM to exit... [+1217s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading ← Exit [It] reset with running machine and other machines idle - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.65 (36.16s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.65 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 0cfba00a3c55 Error: 0cfba00a3c55: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 23f8b8fad855 Error: 23f8b8fad855: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.692 (42ms)
• [36.202 seconds]


podman machine rm


bad init name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.692 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.692 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.692 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.714 (21ms)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.714 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.735 (21ms)
• [0.043 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.735 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.735 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:33.735 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 89413d018bb4 [+1222s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 89413d018bb4 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 89413d018bb4 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 89413d018bb4 [] Error: 89413d018bb4: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 89413d018bb4 Error: 89413d018bb4: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] Remove machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.535 (4.8s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.535 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 89413d018bb4 Error: 89413d018bb4: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.556 (21ms)
• [4.821 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.556 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.556 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:42:38.556 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 0512f7c98904 [+1227s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "0512f7c98904" [+1250s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 0512f7c98904 [+1251s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1983935750:/tmp/podman_test1983935750 [+1252s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1983935750/podman/0512f7c98904-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1983935750/podman/0512f7c98904-api.sock' Machine "0512f7c98904" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm 0512f7c98904 Error: running vm "0512f7c98904" cannot be destroyed /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 0512f7c98904 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1253s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 0512f7c98904 [] Error: 0512f7c98904: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] Remove running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.648 (31.092s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.648 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 0512f7c98904 Error: 0512f7c98904: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.67 (22ms)
• [31.114 seconds]


podman machine rm


machine rm --save-ignition --save-image

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.67 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.67 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine rm --save-ignition --save-image - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:09.67 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 c4135548bb42 [+1258s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start c4135548bb42 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} c4135548bb42 /tmp/podman_test3515505412/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force --save-ignition --save-image c4135548bb42 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect c4135548bb42 [] Error: c4135548bb42: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] machine rm --save-ignition --save-image - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.279 (4.608s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.279 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c4135548bb42 Error: c4135548bb42: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.528 (249ms)
• [4.858 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.528 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.528 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:14.528 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo [+1263s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now bar [+1267s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "bar" [+1291s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful bar [+1292s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1360642893:/tmp/podman_test1360642893 [+1293s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1360642893/podman/bar-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1360642893/podman/bar-api.sock' Machine "bar" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} foo /tmp/podman_test1360642893/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} bar /tmp/podman_test1360642893/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh bar echo foo foo ← Exit [It] Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:49.746 (35.218s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:49.746 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo Error: foo: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force bar Waiting for VM to exit... [+1295s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:51.034 (1.287s)
• [36.506 seconds]


podman machine rm


Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:51.034 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:51.034 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:51.034 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo [+1299s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} foo /tmp/podman_test4143389128/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo ← Exit [It] Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.862 (4.829s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.863 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo Error: foo: VM does not exist ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.884 (21ms)
• [4.850 seconds]


podman machine proxy settings propagation


ssh to running machine and check proxy settings

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.884 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.884 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to running machine and check proxy settings - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:43:55.884 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 4b95e271d2f3 [+1304s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 4b95e271d2f3 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 4b95e271d2f3 Starting machine "4b95e271d2f3" [+1328s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 4b95e271d2f3 [+1329s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1214664563:/tmp/podman_test1214664563 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1214664563/podman/4b95e271d2f3-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1214664563/podman/4b95e271d2f3-api.sock' Machine "4b95e271d2f3" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 printenv HTTP_PROXY [+1330s] http://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-proxy /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 printenv HTTPS_PROXY http://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-proxy /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 printenv SSL_CERT_DIR SSL_CERT_FILE /etc/containers/certs.d /etc/containers/certs.d/cert1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 cat $SSL_CERT_DIR/cert2 $SSL_CERT_FILE [+1331s] cert2 content cert1 content /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 4b95e271d2f3 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1332s] Machine "4b95e271d2f3" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 4b95e271d2f3 Starting machine "4b95e271d2f3" [+1352s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 4b95e271d2f3 [+1353s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1214664563:/tmp/podman_test1214664563 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1214664563/podman/4b95e271d2f3-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1214664563/podman/4b95e271d2f3-api.sock' Machine "4b95e271d2f3" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 printenv HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY [+1354s] http:// some special @;" here https://abc :£$%6 : |"" /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 4b95e271d2f3 cat $SSL_CERT_DIR/cert2 $SSL_CERT_FILE cert2 content cert1 content ← Exit [It] ssh to running machine and check proxy settings - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:50.354 (54.47s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:50.354 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 4b95e271d2f3 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1355s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.62 (1.266s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.62 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 (0s) • [55.737 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:51.621 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 34acfd6411e8 [+1360s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 34acfd6411e8 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE 34acfd6411e8* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB ← Exit [It] list machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.217 (4.596s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.217 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 34acfd6411e8 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.471 (254ms)
• [4.850 seconds]


podman machine list


list machines with quiet or noheading

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.471 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.471 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machines with quiet or noheading - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:44:56.471 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --quiet /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading --quiet /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 a6384afa4e9b [+1364s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start a6384afa4e9b [+1365s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 6f2123225dc6 [+1369s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 6f2123225dc6 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading --quiet 6f2123225dc6 a6384afa4e9b* ← Exit [It] list machines with quiet or noheading - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:05.519 (9.048s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:05.519 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 841a91a69f97 Error: 841a91a69f97: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force a6384afa4e9b /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 6f2123225dc6 [+1370s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:06.048 (529ms)
• [9.578 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine: check if running while starting

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:06.048 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:06.049 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine: check if running while starting - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:06.049 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 4351c55fda6c [+1374s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 4351c55fda6c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Never /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 4351c55fda6c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Starting machine "4351c55fda6c" Never [+1377s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1380s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1383s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1386s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1389s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1392s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1395s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1397s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 4351c55fda6c [+1398s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1399s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3501499887:/tmp/podman_test3501499887 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3501499887/podman/4351c55fda6c-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3501499887/podman/4351c55fda6c-api.sock' Machine "4351c55fda6c" started successfully [+1401s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently running /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently running ← Exit [It] list machine: check if running while starting - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:37.909 (31.86s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:37.909 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 4351c55fda6c Waiting for VM to exit... [+1403s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:39.176 (1.267s)
• [33.127 seconds]


podman machine list


list with --format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:39.176 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:39.176 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list with --format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:39.176 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 d6173c3e5730 [+1407s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start d6173c3e5730 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.Name}} d6173c3e5730* /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format json [ { "Name": "d6173c3e5730", "Default": true, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:45:39.200228251Z", "Running": false, "Starting": false, "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Stream": "default", "VMType": "qemu", "CPUs": 32, "Memory": "2147483648", "DiskSize": "11811160064", "Port": 43701, "RemoteUsername": "core", "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test482860995/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "UserModeNetworking": true } ]/var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format table {{.Name}} NAME d6173c3e5730* ← Exit [It] list with --format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:43.812 (4.637s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:43.813 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force d6173c3e5730 [+1408s] ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:44.066 (254ms)
• [4.891 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine in machine-readable byte format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:44.066 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:44.067 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine in machine-readable byte format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:44.067 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 454d01b37498 [+1412s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 454d01b37498 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format json [ { "Name": "454d01b37498", "Default": true, "Created": "2024-06-25T08:45:44.090591896Z", "Running": false, "Starting": false, "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Stream": "default", "VMType": "qemu", "CPUs": 32, "Memory": "2147483648", "DiskSize": "11811160064", "Port": 37255, "RemoteUsername": "core", "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test549634967/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "UserModeNetworking": true } ] < Exit [It] list machine in machine-readable byte format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.601 (4.534s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.601 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 454d01b37498 ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.855 (254ms)
• [4.788 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine in human-readable format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.855 ← Exit [BeforeEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.855 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine in human-readable format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:48.855 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 48f513f3f7fb [+1417s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 48f513f3f7fb /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.Memory}} {{.DiskSize}} 2GiB 11GiB ← Exit [It] list machine in human-readable format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.369 (4.514s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.369 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 48f513f3f7fb ← Exit [AfterEach] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.623 (254ms)
• [4.768 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Basic ops

→ Enter [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.623 ← Exit [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.623 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Basic ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:45:53.623 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now bffb32ef64f1 [+1422s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "bffb32ef64f1" [+1446s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful bffb32ef64f1 [+1447s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1715490189:/tmp/podman_test1715490189 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1715490189/podman/bffb32ef64f1-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1715490189/podman/bffb32ef64f1-api.sock' Machine "bffb32ef64f1" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r images -q [+1448s] /var/tmp/go/src/ -r pull Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c [+1449s] /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run cat /etc/os-release WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) NAME="Alpine Linux" ID=alpine VERSION_ID=3.15.4 PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.15" HOME_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" /var/tmp/go/src/ -r build /tmp/ginkgo2844011689 STEP 1/2: FROM WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) STEP 2/2: RUN ip addr [+1450s] 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp0s1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65520 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 link/ether 76:82:d9:6d:17:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp0s1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::7482:d9ff:fe6d:17eb/64 scope link tentative valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever COMMIT time="2024-06-25T08:46:26Z" level=warning msg="HEALTHCHECK is not supported for OCI image format and will be ignored. Must use `docker` format" --> 3763cf45d90d 3763cf45d90d4904c6fc587b1a70d652eb32b8249abbb5560ad297580691295e /var/tmp/go/src/ -r rm -a 5ccb20a640d0f2a830640dc2196226f4e4b4c2dce0724e62dd6c121e0bd5a3ba ← Exit [It] Basic ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:26.455 (32.832s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:26.455 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force bffb32ef64f1 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1451s] ← Exit [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 (1.266s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 (0s) • [34.099 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Volume ops

→ Enter [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 ← Exit [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Volume ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:27.722 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/ginkgo1495759350 --now 561b91c93e33 [+1456s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "561b91c93e33" [+1480s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 561b91c93e33 [+1481s] Mounting volume... /tmp/ginkgo1495759350:/tmp/ginkgo1495759350 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test443031568/podman/561b91c93e33-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test443031568/podman/561b91c93e33-api.sock' Machine "561b91c93e33" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run -v /tmp/ginkgo1495759350:/test:Z ls /test/attr-test-file [+1482s] Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) [+1483s] /test/attr-test-file ← Exit [It] Volume ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:59.398 (31.676s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:46:59.398 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 561b91c93e33 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1484s] ← Exit [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 (1.266s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 (0s) • [32.943 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Volume should be virtiofs

→ Enter [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 ← Exit [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Volume should be virtiofs - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:00.665 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/ginkgo1656041071 --now c2ef54140c36 [+1489s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "c2ef54140c36" [+1513s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful c2ef54140c36 [+1514s] Mounting volume... /tmp/ginkgo1656041071:/tmp/ginkgo1656041071 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test923900093/podman/c2ef54140c36-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test923900093/podman/c2ef54140c36-api.sock' Machine "c2ef54140c36" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh c2ef54140c36 findmnt -no FSTYPE /tmp/ginkgo1656041071 [+1515s] virtiofs ← Exit [It] Volume should be virtiofs - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:31.194 (30.529s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:31.194 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c2ef54140c36 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1516s] ← Exit [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 (1.762s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 (0s) • [32.291 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy

→ Enter [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 ← Exit [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:47:32.956 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now b3b3322be284 [+1521s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "b3b3322be284" [+1546s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful b3b3322be284 [+1547s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1631838919:/tmp/podman_test1631838919 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1631838919/podman/b3b3322be284-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1631838919/podman/b3b3322be284-api.sock' Machine "b3b3322be284" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run -dt --name test -p 62544:80 Trying to pull [+1548s] Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) [+1549s] 5add5bde2a94d84f2b640962080b4695e852fa7f323ba7907720e3e87fe35915 /var/tmp/go/src/ -r exec test true /var/tmp/go/src/ -r rm -af [+1550s] 5add5bde2a94d84f2b640962080b4695e852fa7f323ba7907720e3e87fe35915 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop b3b3322be284 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1551s] Machine "b3b3322be284" stopped successfully ← Exit [It] Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:07.736 (34.779s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:07.736 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b3b3322be284 ← Exit [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:07.999 (264ms)
• [35.043 seconds]


run basic podman commands


podman volume on non-standard path

→ Enter [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:08 ← Exit [BeforeEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:08 (0s)
→ Enter [It] podman volume on non-standard path - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:08 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/machine-volume3079855649:/does/not/exist --now 2fd5ad27c78b [+1556s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "2fd5ad27c78b" [+1580s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 2fd5ad27c78b [+1581s] Mounting volume... /tmp/machine-volume3079855649:/does/not/exist [+1582s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1432202851/podman/2fd5ad27c78b-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1432202851/podman/2fd5ad27c78b-api.sock' Machine "2fd5ad27c78b" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 2fd5ad27c78b cat /does/not/exist/testfile abcdefg1234567 < Exit [It] podman volume on non-standard path - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:38.358 (30.358s)
→ Enter [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:38.358 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 2fd5ad27c78b Waiting for VM to exit... [+1583s] ← Exit [AfterEach] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 (1.267s)
• [31.625 seconds]



→ Enter [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 ← Exit [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 (0s)
→ Enter [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 ← Exit [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 (0s)
[SynchronizedAfterSuite] PASSED [0.000 seconds]


[ReportAfterSuite] Autogenerated ReportAfterSuite for --json-report

autogenerated by Ginkgo

→ Enter [ReportAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - autogenerated by Ginkgo @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.625 ← Exit [ReportAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - autogenerated by Ginkgo @ 06/25/24 08:48:39.633 (8ms)
[ReportAfterSuite] PASSED [0.008 seconds]

         Summarizing 1 Failure:
           [FAIL] podman machine init [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone
         Ran 51 of 55 Specs in 1509.051 seconds
         FAIL! -- 50 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 4 Skipped
         --- FAIL: TestMachine (1509.06s)
         Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 26m7.965538563s
         Test Suite Failed
         make[1]: *** [Makefile:643: ginkgo-run] Error 1
         make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         make: *** [Makefile:672: localmachine] Error 2
[08:48:39] END - [+1583s] total duration since 2024-06-25T08:48:39Z

Processed Tue Jun 25 08:48:39 2024 by logformatter v0.3