
GitHub PR:23200 - fix(deps): update module to v0.22.0
Test name:machine-linux podman fedora-40-aarch64 rootless host sqlite
Cirrus:Build 5578968466718720 / Task 6353032974172160
Logs:main / journal
Base commit:0358325f9b5d15646914212fc78f07886f4b944e

[22:33:06] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2024-07-04T22:33:06Z.
[+0000s] + make localmachine  # /var/tmp/go/src/ in _run_machine-linux()
[+0004s] # gitCommit needed by logformatter, to link to sources
         make ginkgo-run GINKGO_PARALLEL=n TAGS="remote exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper containers_image_openpgp" GINKGO_FLAKE_ATTEMPTS=0 FOCUS_FILE= GINKGOWHAT=pkg/machine/e2e/.
         make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         make -C test/tools build/ginkgo
         make[2]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
[+0005s] go build -o build/ginkgo ./vendor/
[+0015s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         ./test/tools/build/ginkgo version
         Ginkgo Version 2.19.0
         ./test/tools/build/ginkgo -vv  --tags "remote exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper containers_image_openpgp remote" -timeout=90m --flake-attempts 0 \
         	--trace --no-color \
         	--json-report ginkgo-e2e.json   \
[+0073s] Running Suite: Podman Machine tests - /var/tmp/go/src/
         Random Seed: 1720132401
         Will run 55 of 55 specs



→ Enter [BeforeSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:19.477 Looking up Podman Machine image at to create VM Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:54d44d6d25cf3a6c611e4d8d4ac1f8de205ad7b5b48be5f39dc3346eb475f152 [+0087s] Copying config sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a Writing manifest to image destination 54d44d6d25cf3a6c611e4d8d4ac1f8de205ad7b5b48be5f39dc3346eb475f152 [+0092s] ← Exit [BeforeSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.871 (19.395s)
[BeforeSuite] PASSED [19.395 seconds]


podman machine ssh


bad machine name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.872 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.872 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad machine name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.872 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 615a33df2b73 Error: vm podman-machine-default not found: podman-machine-default: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad machine name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 (53ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 (0s) • [0.053 seconds]


podman machine ssh


ssh to non-running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to non-running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:38.925 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 6fe8a74e71bf [+0097s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 6fe8a74e71bf /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 6fe8a74e71bf Error: vm "6fe8a74e71bf" is not running ← Exit [It] ssh to non-running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:43.752 (4.827s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:43.752 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 6fe8a74e71bf [+0098s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 (0s) • [5.081 seconds]


podman machine ssh


ssh to running machine and check os-type

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to running machine and check os-type - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:34:44.006 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now dba8500d3dfa [+0102s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "dba8500d3dfa" [+0129s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful dba8500d3dfa [+0130s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2677332589:/tmp/podman_test2677332589 [+0131s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2677332589/podman/dba8500d3dfa-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2677332589/podman/dba8500d3dfa-api.sock' Machine "dba8500d3dfa" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh dba8500d3dfa cat /etc/os-release NAME="Fedora Linux" VERSION="40.20240519.2.0 (CoreOS)" ID=fedora VERSION_ID=40 VERSION_CODENAME="" PLATFORM_ID="platform:f40" PRETTY_NAME="Fedora CoreOS 40.20240519.2.0" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;60;110;180" LOGO=fedora-logo-icon CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:40" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=40 REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=40 SUPPORT_END=2025-05-13 VARIANT="CoreOS" VARIANT_ID=coreos OSTREE_VERSION='40.20240519.2.0' /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh dba8500d3dfa false ← Exit [It] ssh to running machine and check os-type - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:17.752 (33.745s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:17.752 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force dba8500d3dfa Waiting for VM to exit... [+0133s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine ssh - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.524 (1.772s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.524 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.524 (0s) • [35.518 seconds]


podman machine init


bad init

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.525 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.525 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.525 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: machine name "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" must be 30 characters or less /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 qemu Error: cannot use "qemu" for a machine name /var/tmp/go/src/ -r system connection add foobar tcp://localhost:8000 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foobar Error: system connection "foobar" already exists. consider a different machine name or remove the connection with `podman system connection rm` /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 ab/cd Error: invalid name "ab/cd": names must match [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*: invalid argument /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --username -/a 4f1d042d2b93 Error: invalid username "-/a": names must match [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*: invalid argument /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --memory 129551 4f1d042d2b93 Error: requested amount of memory (129551 MB) greater than total system memory (134770749440 MB) /var/tmp/go/src/ -r system connection rm foobar ← Exit [It] bad init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.733 (208ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.733 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 4f1d042d2b93 Error: 4f1d042d2b93: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.754 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.754 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 4f1d042d2b93 Error: 4f1d042d2b93: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.776 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.776 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force ab/cd Error: ab/cd: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.797 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.797 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foobar Error: foobar: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.817 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.817 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force qemu Error: qemu: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.839 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.839 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.859 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.859 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.86 (0s) • [0.335 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.86 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.86 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:19.86 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 711797e26e14 [+0138s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 711797e26e14 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 711797e26e14 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1020774292/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1020774292/podman/711797e26e14-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:35:19.884700642Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "711797e26e14", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1020774292/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 43025, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] simple init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.475 (4.615s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.475 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 711797e26e14 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 (274ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 (0s) • [4.889 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init with start

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init with start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:24.749 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 727789090b5a [+0143s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 727789090b5a /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 727789090b5a [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/podman/727789090b5a-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:35:24.773292389Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "727789090b5a", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 33675, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 727789090b5a Starting machine "727789090b5a" [+0167s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 727789090b5a [+0168s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1454577760:/tmp/podman_test1454577760 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1454577760/podman/727789090b5a-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1454577760/podman/727789090b5a-api.sock' Machine "727789090b5a" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 727789090b5a [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/podman/727789090b5a-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:35:24.773292389Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "727789090b5a", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1454577760/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 33675, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 727789090b5a sudo systemctl is-enabled zincati [+0169s] disabled ← Exit [It] simple init with start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:55.212 (30.462s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:55.212 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 727789090b5a Waiting for VM to exit... [+0170s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.499 (1.287s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.499 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.499 (0s) • [31.750 seconds]


podman machine init


simple init with username

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.499 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.5 (0s)
→ Enter [It] simple init with username - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:35:56.5 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --username remoteuser --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 3bb6ed6d4e53 [+0175s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 3bb6ed6d4e53 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 3bb6ed6d4e53 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test28729246/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test28729246/podman/3bb6ed6d4e53-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:35:56.523721299Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "3bb6ed6d4e53", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test28729246/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 39551, "RemoteUsername": "remoteuser" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] simple init with username - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.115 (4.615s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.115 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 3bb6ed6d4e53 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.389 (274ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.389 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.389 (0s) • [4.890 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.389 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.39 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:01.39 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --cpus 2 --disk-size 102 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --memory 4096 --timezone Pacific/Honolulu e6a5294f92a9 [+0179s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start e6a5294f92a9 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start e6a5294f92a9 Starting machine "e6a5294f92a9" [+0204s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful e6a5294f92a9 [+0205s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test477234640:/tmp/podman_test477234640 [+0206s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test477234640/podman/e6a5294f92a9-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test477234640/podman/e6a5294f92a9-api.sock' Machine "e6a5294f92a9" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh e6a5294f92a9 lscpu | grep "CPU(s):" | head -1 CPU(s): 2 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh e6a5294f92a9 sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk [+0207s] Disk /dev/vda: 102 GiB, 109521666048 bytes, 213909504 sectors Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 0A58DDDC-EEB5-42A8-B852-70272D811223 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh e6a5294f92a9 cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i 'memtotal' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' 3986916 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh e6a5294f92a9 date Thu Jul 4 12:36:33 HST 2024 ← Exit [It] machine init with cpus, disk size, memory, timezone - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:33.855 (32.466s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:33.855 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e6a5294f92a9 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0209s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 (1.286s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 (0s) • [33.753 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init with volume

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with volume - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:36:35.142 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/4141436941:/very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes --now 3deae1740108 [+0213s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "3deae1740108" [+0237s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 3deae1740108 [+0238s] Mounting volume... /tmp/4141436941:/very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes [+0239s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1565727773/podman/3deae1740108-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1565727773/podman/3deae1740108-api.sock' Machine "3deae1740108" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 3deae1740108 ls /very-long-test-mount-dir-path-more-than-thirty-six-bytes example2256884681 ← Exit [It] machine init with volume - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:05.652 (30.509s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:05.652 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 3deae1740108 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0241s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 (1.782s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 (0s) • [32.292 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init rootless docker.sock check

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init rootless docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:07.434 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 979e3eb7135c [+0246s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 979e3eb7135c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 979e3eb7135c Starting machine "979e3eb7135c" [+0269s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 979e3eb7135c [+0271s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1140869145:/tmp/podman_test1140869145 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1140869145/podman/979e3eb7135c-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1140869145/podman/979e3eb7135c-api.sock' Machine "979e3eb7135c" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 979e3eb7135c readlink /var/run/docker.sock [+0272s] /run/user/3980/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] machine init rootless docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:38.025 (30.59s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:38.025 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 979e3eb7135c Waiting for VM to exit... [+0273s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 (1.792s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 (0s) • [32.383 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init rootful with docker.sock check

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init rootful with docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:37:39.817 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --rootful 646d9b597946 [+0278s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 646d9b597946 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 646d9b597946 Starting machine "646d9b597946" [+0302s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1065183607:/tmp/podman_test1065183607 [+0303s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1065183607/podman/646d9b597946-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1065183607/podman/646d9b597946-api.sock' Machine "646d9b597946" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Rootful}} 646d9b597946 true /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 646d9b597946 readlink /var/run/docker.sock /run/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] machine init rootful with docker.sock check - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:09.792 (29.975s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:09.793 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 646d9b597946 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0305s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.574 (1.782s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.575 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.575 (0s) • [31.758 seconds]


podman machine init


init should cleanup on failure

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.575 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.575 (0s)
→ Enter [It] init should cleanup on failure - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:11.575 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 c8e6b2127f9c [+0310s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start c8e6b2127f9c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.ConfigDir.Path}} c8e6b2127f9c /tmp/podman_test2966541355/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c8e6b2127f9c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect c8e6b2127f9c [] Error: c8e6b2127f9c: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --ignition-path /bad/path --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 c8e6b2127f9c [+0315s] Error: open /bad/path: no such file or directory ← Exit [It] init should cleanup on failure - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.232 (9.656s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.232 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c8e6b2127f9c Error: c8e6b2127f9c: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.253 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.253 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c8e6b2127f9c Error: c8e6b2127f9c: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.274 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.274 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.274 (0s) • [9.699 seconds]


podman machine init


verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.274 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.275 (0s)
→ Enter [It] verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5 - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:21.275 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list time="2024-07-04T22:38:21Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect foobar-machine [] Error: incompatible machine config "/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json" (foobar-machine) for this version of Podman /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 d869c0e6584a time="2024-07-04T22:38:21Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" [+0319s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start d869c0e6584a /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list time="2024-07-04T22:38:25Z" level=error msg="incompatible machine config \"/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu/foobar-machine.json\" (podman-machine-default) for this version of Podman" NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE d869c0e6584a* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect d869c0e6584a [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2139134180/podman/d869c0e6584a-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:38:21.341854909Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "d869c0e6584a", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2139134180/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 38061, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] verify a podman 4 config does not break podman 5 - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:25.903 (4.628s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:25.903 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force d869c0e6584a [+0320s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine init - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.177 (274ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.177 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.177 (0s) • [4.903 seconds]


podman machine init


machine init with rosetta=true

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.177 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with rosetta=true - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 [SKIPPED] Test is only for AppleHv In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 Full Stack Trace, {0x130ac29, 0x18}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x30 ← Exit [It] machine init with rosetta=true - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s) S [SKIPPED] [0.001 seconds] podman machine init /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] machine init with rosetta=true /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine init


machine init with rosetta=false

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine init with rosetta=false - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 [SKIPPED] Test is only for AppleHv In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 Full Stack Trace, {0x130ac29, 0x18}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x34 ← Exit [It] machine init with rosetta=false - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 (0s) S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine init /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] machine init with rosetta=false /var/tmp/go/src/


podman inspect stop


inspect bad name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.178 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.179 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.179 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [] Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] inspect bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 (31ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 (0s) • [0.032 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect two machines

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect two machines - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:26.21 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo1 [+0324s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo2 [+0329s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo2 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Name}} foo1 foo1 ← Exit [It] inspect two machines - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.238 (9.028s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.238 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo2 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.492 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.492 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo1 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 (284ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 (0s) • [9.567 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect with go format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect with go format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:35.777 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 6f50ced3909c [+0334s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 6f50ced3909c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 6f50ced3909c [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2293922454/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2293922454/podman/6f50ced3909c-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:38:35.801269202Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "6f50ced3909c", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2293922454/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 41185, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Name}} 6f50ced3909c 6f50ced3909c /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Abcde}} 6f50ced3909c Error: template: inspect:1:13: executing "inspect" at <.Abcde>: can't evaluate field Abcde in type machine.InspectInfo ← Exit [It] inspect with go format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.384 (4.607s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.384 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 6f50ced3909c < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.658 (274ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.658 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.659 (0s) • [4.881 seconds]


podman inspect stop


inspect shows a unique socket name per machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.659 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.659 (0s)
→ Enter [It] inspect shows a unique socket name per machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:40.659 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 618fcc690651 [+0339s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 618fcc690651 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 618fcc690651 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/podman/618fcc690651-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:38:40.682765798Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "618fcc690651", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 42147, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 a073b8bb8315 [+0343s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start a073b8bb8315 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect a073b8bb8315 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/podman/a073b8bb8315-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:38:45.232587833Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "a073b8bb8315", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test2066961777/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 40833, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "stopped", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] ← Exit [It] inspect shows a unique socket name per machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:49.728 (9.069s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:49.728 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force a073b8bb8315 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:49.982 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:49.982 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 618fcc690651 [+0344s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman inspect stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.256 (274ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.256 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.257 (0s) • [9.598 seconds]


podman machine set


set machine cpus, disk, memory

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.257 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.257 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:38:50.257 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 5b39f82bfd9e [+0348s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 5b39f82bfd9e /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --memory 524288 5b39f82bfd9e Error: requested amount of memory (524288 MB) greater than total system memory (134770749440 MB) /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --cpus 2 --disk-size 102 --memory 4096 5b39f82bfd9e Image resized. /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --cpus 2 --disk-size 5 --memory 4096 5b39f82bfd9e Error: new disk size must be larger than 102 GB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 5b39f82bfd9e Starting machine "5b39f82bfd9e"
[+0588s] [FAILED] Timed out after 240.001s. Expected process to exit. It did not. In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:42:54.864 Full Stack Trace*machineSession).waitWithTimeout(0x40003b4070, 0x37e11d6000) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xc8{0x40004b2140, 0x3e}, {0x4000374880, 0x3, 0x4}, 0x37e11d6000, 0x1) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x2f0*machineTestBuilder).run(...) /var/tmp/go/src/ /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x734
← Exit [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:42:54.864 (4m4.607s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:42:54.864 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 5b39f82bfd9e
[+0828s] [FAILED] Timed out after 240.000s. Expected process to exit. It did not. In [DeferCleanup (Each)] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.865 Full Stack Trace*machineSession).waitWithTimeout(0x40001d0200, 0x37e11d6000) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xc8{0x40004b2140, 0x3e}, {0x4000420580, 0x4, 0x4}, 0x37e11d6000, 0x1) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x2f0*machineTestBuilder).run(...) /var/tmp/go/src/*initMachine).buildCmd.func1() /var/tmp/go/src/ +0xc4{0x10d6ae0?, 0x40005923c0?, 0x13?}, {0x12ef8a6, 0x4}, {0x1f13640, 0x0, 0x0?}) /usr/lib/golang/src/reflect/value.go:596 +0x970 reflect.Value.Call({0x10d6ae0?, 0x40005923c0?, 0x4000492030?}, {0x1f13640?, 0x40004e07a8?, 0x581020?}) /usr/lib/golang/src/reflect/value.go:380 +0x94 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.865 (4m0.001s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.865 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 (0s) • [FAILED] [484.609 seconds] podman machine set /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine set


wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 (0s)
→ Enter [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 [SKIPPED] tests are only for WSL provider In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 Full Stack Trace, {0x1317a33, 0x1f}) /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x64 /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x30 ← Exit [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 (0s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 (0s) S [SKIPPED] [0.001 seconds] podman machine set /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] wsl cannot change disk, memory, processor /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine set


no settings should change if no flags

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 (0s)
→ Enter [It] no settings should change if no flags - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:46:54.866 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 a316a00aa109 [+0833s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start a316a00aa109 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set a316a00aa109 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start a316a00aa109 Starting machine "a316a00aa109" [+0857s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful a316a00aa109 [+0858s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1371772225:/tmp/podman_test1371772225 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1371772225/podman/a316a00aa109-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1371772225/podman/a316a00aa109-api.sock' Machine "a316a00aa109" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh a316a00aa109 lscpu | grep "CPU(s):" | head -1 [+0859s] CPU(s): 32 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh a316a00aa109 sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk Disk /dev/vda: 11 GiB, 11811160064 bytes, 23068672 sectors Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: FD53DAAA-A54D-48B2-A41B-B254FD22B25B ← Exit [It] no settings should change if no flags - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:25.704 (30.837s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:25.704 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force a316a00aa109 Waiting for VM to exit... [+0860s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 (0s) • [32.104 seconds]


podman machine set


set rootful with docker sock change

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set rootful with docker sock change - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:26.97 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 8b52d6267bab [+0865s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 8b52d6267bab /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --rootful 8b52d6267bab /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 8b52d6267bab Starting machine "8b52d6267bab" [+0890s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3064418939:/tmp/podman_test3064418939 [+0892s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3064418939/podman/8b52d6267bab-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3064418939/podman/8b52d6267bab-api.sock' Machine "8b52d6267bab" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.Rootful}} 8b52d6267bab true /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 8b52d6267bab readlink /var/run/docker.sock /run/podman/podman.sock ← Exit [It] set rootful with docker sock change - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:58.477 (31.506s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:58.477 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 8b52d6267bab Waiting for VM to exit... [+0893s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.743 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.743 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.743 (0s) • [32.773 seconds]


podman machine set


set user mode networking

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.743 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set user mode networking - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 [SKIPPED] Test is only for WSL In [It] at: /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 Full Stack Trace /var/tmp/go/src/ +0x54 ← Exit [It] set user mode networking - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 (0s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 (0s) S [SKIPPED] [0.000 seconds] podman machine set /var/tmp/go/src/ [It] set user mode networking /var/tmp/go/src/


podman machine set


set while machine already running

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 (0s)
→ Enter [It] set while machine already running - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:47:59.744 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 a739d2805adc [+0898s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start a739d2805adc /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start a739d2805adc Starting machine "a739d2805adc" [+0922s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful a739d2805adc [+0923s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3180184929:/tmp/podman_test3180184929 [+0924s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3180184929/podman/a739d2805adc-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3180184929/podman/a739d2805adc-api.sock' Machine "a739d2805adc" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine set --rootful a739d2805adc Error: unable to change settings unless vm is stopped ← Exit [It] set while machine already running - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:30.649 (30.905s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:30.649 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force a739d2805adc Waiting for VM to exit... [+0925s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine set - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 (0s) • [32.171 seconds]


podman machine info


machine info

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:31.915 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info host: arch: arm64 currentmachine: "" defaultmachine: "" eventsdir: /tmp/podman_test476752183/podman machineconfigdir: /tmp/podman_test476752183/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu machineimagedir: /tmp/podman_test476752183/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu machinestate: "" numberofmachines: 0 os: linux vmtype: qemu version: apiversion: 5.2.0-dev version: 5.2.0-dev goversion: go1.22.4 gitcommit: ea86582f6c09a47f8580d4f06b59a820c99e6382 builttime: Thu Jul 4 22:23:14 2024 built: 1720131794 osarch: linux/arm64 os: linux /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format {{.Host.NumberOfMachines}} 0 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 e02210ee1808 [+0930s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start e02210ee1808 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format {{.Host.NumberOfMachines}} 1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine info --format json { "Host": { "Arch": "arm64", "CurrentMachine": "e02210ee1808", "DefaultMachine": "e02210ee1808", "EventsDir": "/tmp/podman_test476752183/podman", "MachineConfigDir": "/tmp/podman_test476752183/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu", "MachineImageDir": "/tmp/podman_test476752183/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu", "MachineState": "Stopped", "NumberOfMachines": 1, "OS": "linux", "VMType": "qemu" }, "Version": { "APIVersion": "5.2.0-dev", "Version": "5.2.0-dev", "GoVersion": "go1.22.4", "GitCommit": "ea86582f6c09a47f8580d4f06b59a820c99e6382", "BuiltTime": "Thu Jul 4 22:23:14 2024", "Built": 1720131794, "OsArch": "linux/arm64", "Os": "linux" } } ← Exit [It] machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.564 (4.649s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.564 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e02210ee1808 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine info - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 (253ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 (0s) • [4.903 seconds]


podman machine reset


starting from scratch should not error

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 (0s)
→ Enter [It] starting from scratch should not error - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.818 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force ← Exit [It] starting from scratch should not error - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 (21ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 (0s) • [0.022 seconds]


podman machine reset


reset machine with one defined machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 (0s)
→ Enter [It] reset machine with one defined machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:36.84 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 cc837b3db009 [+0935s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start cc837b3db009 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading cc837b3db009* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading ← Exit [It] reset machine with one defined machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.629 (4.789s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.629 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force cc837b3db009 Error: cc837b3db009: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.649 (20ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.65 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.65 (0s) • [4.810 seconds]


podman machine reset


reset with running machine and other machines idle

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.65 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.65 (0s)
→ Enter [It] reset with running machine and other machines idle - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:48:41.65 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 53a6f2e43971 [+0940s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "53a6f2e43971" [+0963s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 53a6f2e43971 [+0964s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test580787499:/tmp/podman_test580787499 [+0965s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test580787499/podman/53a6f2e43971-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test580787499/podman/53a6f2e43971-api.sock' Machine "53a6f2e43971" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading 53a6f2e43971* qemu 29 seconds ago Currently running 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 7e478010bdfe [+0969s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 7e478010bdfe /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading 53a6f2e43971* qemu 34 seconds ago Currently running 32 2GiB 11GiB 7e478010bdfe qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB /var/tmp/go/src/ machine reset --force Waiting for VM to exit... [+0971s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading ← Exit [It] reset with running machine and other machines idle - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.395 (35.745s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.395 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 7e478010bdfe Error: 7e478010bdfe: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.417 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.417 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 53a6f2e43971 Error: 53a6f2e43971: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine reset - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 (0s) • [35.788 seconds]


podman machine proxy settings propagation


ssh to running machine and check proxy settings

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 (0s)
→ Enter [It] ssh to running machine and check proxy settings - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:49:17.438 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 458ad69f4930 [+0975s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 458ad69f4930 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 458ad69f4930 Starting machine "458ad69f4930" [+0999s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 458ad69f4930 [+1000s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1081634702:/tmp/podman_test1081634702 [+1001s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1081634702/podman/458ad69f4930-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1081634702/podman/458ad69f4930-api.sock' Machine "458ad69f4930" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 printenv HTTP_PROXY http://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-proxy /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 printenv HTTPS_PROXY http://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-proxy /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 printenv SSL_CERT_DIR SSL_CERT_FILE [+1002s] /etc/containers/certs.d /etc/containers/certs.d/cert1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 cat $SSL_CERT_DIR/cert2 $SSL_CERT_FILE cert2 content cert1 content /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 458ad69f4930 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1003s] Machine "458ad69f4930" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 458ad69f4930 Starting machine "458ad69f4930" [+1023s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 458ad69f4930 [+1024s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1081634702:/tmp/podman_test1081634702 [+1025s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1081634702/podman/458ad69f4930-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1081634702/podman/458ad69f4930-api.sock' Machine "458ad69f4930" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 printenv HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY http:// some special @;" here https://abc :£$%6 : |"" /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh 458ad69f4930 cat $SSL_CERT_DIR/cert2 $SSL_CERT_FILE cert2 content cert1 content ← Exit [It] ssh to running machine and check proxy settings - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:11.826 (54.387s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:11.826 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 458ad69f4930 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1027s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine proxy settings propagation - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 (0s) • [55.654 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Basic ops

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Basic ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:13.092 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now fa5abb029a92 [+1031s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "fa5abb029a92" [+1055s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful fa5abb029a92 [+1057s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1094882094:/tmp/podman_test1094882094 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1094882094/podman/fa5abb029a92-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1094882094/podman/fa5abb029a92-api.sock' Machine "fa5abb029a92" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r images -q /var/tmp/go/src/ -r pull Trying to pull [+1058s] Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run cat /etc/os-release WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) [+1059s] NAME="Alpine Linux" ID=alpine VERSION_ID=3.15.4 PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.15" HOME_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" /var/tmp/go/src/ -r build /tmp/ginkgo2880733067 STEP 1/2: FROM WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) STEP 2/2: RUN ip addr 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp0s1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65520 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 link/ether 2e:d2:4c:12:34:fa brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp0s1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::2cd2:4cff:fe12:34fa/64 scope link tentative valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever COMMIT time="2024-07-04T22:50:45Z" level=warning msg="HEALTHCHECK is not supported for OCI image format and will be ignored. Must use `docker` format" --> 7517380e18bb 7517380e18bb4648c10745d3370ea91fd929dc52b0753b24f108eaedf786f93e /var/tmp/go/src/ -r rm -a [+1060s] 9ba0b09cd985e8432566602e227554287076a37bbe53867d864b568afaaaa94e ← Exit [It] Basic ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:46.126 (33.033s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:46.126 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:46.126 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:46.126 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force fa5abb029a92 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1061s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 (0s) • [34.300 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Volume ops

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Volume ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:50:47.392 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/ginkgo3130733413 --now b4c8ae7e9511 [+1065s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "b4c8ae7e9511" [+1089s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful b4c8ae7e9511 [+1090s] Mounting volume... /tmp/ginkgo3130733413:/tmp/ginkgo3130733413 [+1091s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1740398513/podman/b4c8ae7e9511-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1740398513/podman/b4c8ae7e9511-api.sock' Machine "b4c8ae7e9511" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run -v /tmp/ginkgo3130733413:/test:Z ls /test/attr-test-file Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 [+1092s] Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) /test/attr-test-file ← Exit [It] Volume ops - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:18.924 (31.532s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:18.924 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b4c8ae7e9511 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1094s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 (1.772s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 (0s) • [33.304 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Volume should be virtiofs

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.696 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Volume should be virtiofs - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:20.697 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/ginkgo2605804847 --now c335d95534c2 [+1099s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "c335d95534c2" [+1122s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful c335d95534c2 [+1123s] Mounting volume... /tmp/ginkgo2605804847:/tmp/ginkgo2605804847 [+1124s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2602008822/podman/c335d95534c2-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2602008822/podman/c335d95534c2-api.sock' Machine "c335d95534c2" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh c335d95534c2 findmnt -no FSTYPE /tmp/ginkgo2605804847 virtiofs ← Exit [It] Volume should be virtiofs - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:50.894 (30.197s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:50.894 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c335d95534c2 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1126s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 (0s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 (0s) • [31.464 seconds]


run basic podman commands


Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:51:52.16 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 611250da66f6 [+1130s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "611250da66f6" [+1154s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 611250da66f6 [+1155s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1505458900:/tmp/podman_test1505458900 [+1156s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1505458900/podman/611250da66f6-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1505458900/podman/611250da66f6-api.sock' Machine "611250da66f6" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ -r run -dt --name test -p 62544:80 Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:d2c7362ca710ad35a846a34571a7c3450ea3cce04efcbcb4d3af276eda154ade Copying blob sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 Copying blob sha256:71895e83ea49901b7b752bbf3ca19a54148a5f4ab5fdff3dca9bcd59d44c59e3 Copying config sha256:ecea49d99daa5bd62ebaef1338f6bc4c948bf2651b139160404f9c1c48fcd85c Writing manifest to image destination WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64) [+1157s] 2b74f6cef2b86b165437cb543d026976eb81922b449a24256dc1ddf13e5a392b /var/tmp/go/src/ -r exec test true /var/tmp/go/src/ -r rm -af [+1158s] 2b74f6cef2b86b165437cb543d026976eb81922b449a24256dc1ddf13e5a392b /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 611250da66f6 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1159s] Machine "611250da66f6" stopped successfully ← Exit [It] Podman ops with port forwarding and gvproxy - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:25.866 (33.705s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:25.866 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 611250da66f6 [+1160s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.129 (264ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.13 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.13 (0s) • [33.970 seconds]


run basic podman commands


podman volume on non-standard path

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.13 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.13 (0s)
→ Enter [It] podman volume on non-standard path - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:26.13 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --volume /tmp/machine-volume1461522357:/does/not/exist --now dfe26948d835 [+1164s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "dfe26948d835" [+1188s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful dfe26948d835 [+1189s] Mounting volume... /tmp/machine-volume1461522357:/does/not/exist API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test768696018/podman/dfe26948d835-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test768696018/podman/dfe26948d835-api.sock' Machine "dfe26948d835" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh dfe26948d835 cat /does/not/exist/testfile [+1190s] abcdefg1234567 < Exit [It] podman volume on non-standard path - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:56.216 (30.086s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:56.217 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force dfe26948d835 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1191s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] run basic podman commands - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.482 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.482 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.483 (0s) • [31.353 seconds]


podman machine start


start simple machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.483 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.483 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start simple machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:52:57.483 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 578d4d130569 [+1196s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 578d4d130569 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 578d4d130569 Starting machine "578d4d130569" [+1219s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 578d4d130569 [+1220s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test356347485:/tmp/podman_test356347485 [+1221s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test356347485/podman/578d4d130569-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test356347485/podman/578d4d130569-api.sock' Machine "578d4d130569" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 578d4d130569 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test356347485/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test356347485/podman/578d4d130569-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:52:57.50768002Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "578d4d130569", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test356347485/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 35761, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 578d4d130569 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1222s] Machine "578d4d130569" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 578d4d130569 --no-info Starting machine "578d4d130569" [+1243s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test356347485:/tmp/podman_test356347485 [+1244s] Machine "578d4d130569" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 578d4d130569 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1245s] Machine "578d4d130569" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 578d4d130569 --quiet [+1267s] Machine "578d4d130569" started successfully ← Exit [It] start simple machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:13.037 (1m15.554s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:13.037 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 578d4d130569 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1268s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.303 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.303 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.304 (0s) • [76.821 seconds]


podman machine start


bad start name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.304 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.304 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad start name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.304 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad start name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 (21ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 (0s) • [0.021 seconds]


podman machine start


start machine already started

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start machine already started - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:14.325 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 311be9d4c254 [+1272s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 311be9d4c254 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 311be9d4c254 Starting machine "311be9d4c254" [+1296s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 311be9d4c254 [+1298s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1941631766:/tmp/podman_test1941631766 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1941631766/podman/311be9d4c254-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1941631766/podman/311be9d4c254-api.sock' Machine "311be9d4c254" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 311be9d4c254 [ { "ConfigDir": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1941631766/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu" }, "ConnectionInfo": { "PodmanSocket": { "Path": "/tmp/podman_test1941631766/podman/311be9d4c254-api.sock" }, "PodmanPipe": null }, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:54:14.349634996Z", "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Name": "311be9d4c254", "Resources": { "CPUs": 32, "DiskSize": 11, "Memory": 2048, "USBs": [] }, "SSHConfig": { "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1941631766/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "Port": 34251, "RemoteUsername": "core" }, "State": "running", "UserModeNetworking": true, "Rootful": false, "Rosetta": false } ] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 311be9d4c254 Starting machine "311be9d4c254" Error: unable to start "311be9d4c254": machine 311be9d4c254: VM already running or starting ← Exit [It] start machine already started - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:44.795 (30.47s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:44.795 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 311be9d4c254 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1300s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 (0s) • [31.736 seconds]


podman machine start


start machine with conflict on SSH port

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start machine with conflict on SSH port - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:54:46.061 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 205bf3ffb37d [+1304s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 205bf3ffb37d /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.Port}} 205bf3ffb37d 46609 /var/tmp/go/src/ system connection list --format {{.URI}} ssh://core@ ssh://root@ /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 205bf3ffb37d Starting machine "205bf3ffb37d" time="2024-07-04T22:54:50Z" level=warning msg="detected port conflict on machine ssh port [46609], reassigning" [+1328s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 205bf3ffb37d [+1329s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1070910754:/tmp/podman_test1070910754 [+1330s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1070910754/podman/205bf3ffb37d-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1070910754/podman/205bf3ffb37d-api.sock' Machine "205bf3ffb37d" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.Port}} 205bf3ffb37d 45045 /var/tmp/go/src/ system connection list --format {{.URI}} ssh://core@ ssh://root@ ← Exit [It] start machine with conflict on SSH port - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:16.525 (30.463s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:16.525 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 205bf3ffb37d Waiting for VM to exit... [+1331s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 (0s) • [31.730 seconds]


podman machine start


start only starts specified machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start only starts specified machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:17.791 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 13ffca9e2e3f [+1336s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 13ffca9e2e3f /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 b2cc9de7faaa [+1340s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start b2cc9de7faaa /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 13ffca9e2e3f Starting machine "13ffca9e2e3f" [+1366s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 13ffca9e2e3f [+1367s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test3881773016:/tmp/podman_test3881773016 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test3881773016/podman/13ffca9e2e3f-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test3881773016/podman/13ffca9e2e3f-api.sock' Machine "13ffca9e2e3f" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.State}} 13ffca9e2e3f running [+1368s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.State}} b2cc9de7faaa stopped ← Exit [It] start only starts specified machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:54.031 (36.24s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:54.031 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force b2cc9de7faaa < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:54.284 (253ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:54.284 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 13ffca9e2e3f Waiting for VM to exit... [+1369s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.551 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.551 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.551 (0s) • [37.760 seconds]


podman machine start


start two machines in parallel

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.551 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.551 (0s)
→ Enter [It] start two machines in parallel - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:55:55.552 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 m1-7f40f779b4aa [+1374s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start m1-7f40f779b4aa /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 m2-7261903d1fae [+1378s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start m2-7261903d1fae /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start m1-7f40f779b4aa /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start m2-7261903d1fae Starting machine "m1-7f40f779b4aa" Starting machine "m2-7261903d1fae" [+1402s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful m1-7f40f779b4aa [+1404s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1135280543:/tmp/podman_test1135280543 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1135280543/podman/m1-7f40f779b4aa-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1135280543/podman/m1-7f40f779b4aa-api.sock' Machine "m1-7f40f779b4aa" started successfully Error: unable to start "m2-7261903d1fae": machine m1-7f40f779b4aa: VM already running or starting ← Exit [It] start two machines in parallel - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:30.662 (35.11s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:30.662 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force m2-7261903d1fae < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:30.916 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:30.916 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force m1-7f40f779b4aa Waiting for VM to exit... [+1406s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine start - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.688 (1.772s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.688 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.689 (1ms) • [37.137 seconds]


podman machine rm


bad init name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.689 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.689 (0s)
→ Enter [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.689 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] bad init name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 (21ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 (0s) • [0.021 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:32.71 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 e26f3d36ae52 [+1411s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start e26f3d36ae52 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e26f3d36ae52 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect e26f3d36ae52 [] Error: e26f3d36ae52: VM does not exist /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e26f3d36ae52 Error: e26f3d36ae52: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] Remove machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.549 (4.839s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.549 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e26f3d36ae52 Error: e26f3d36ae52: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.57 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.57 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.57 (0s) • [4.861 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.571 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.571 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:56:37.571 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now d86aa69a6424 [+1416s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "d86aa69a6424" [+1440s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful d86aa69a6424 [+1441s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2200124662:/tmp/podman_test2200124662 [+1442s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2200124662/podman/d86aa69a6424-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2200124662/podman/d86aa69a6424-api.sock' Machine "d86aa69a6424" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm d86aa69a6424 Error: running vm "d86aa69a6424" cannot be destroyed /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force d86aa69a6424 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1443s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect d86aa69a6424 [] Error: d86aa69a6424: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] Remove running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.417 (31.847s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.417 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force d86aa69a6424 Error: d86aa69a6424: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.438 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.439 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.439 (0s) • [31.868 seconds]


podman machine rm


machine rm --save-ignition --save-image

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.439 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.439 (0s)
→ Enter [It] machine rm --save-ignition --save-image - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:09.439 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 7ec499516e91 [+1447s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 7ec499516e91 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} 7ec499516e91 [+1448s] /tmp/podman_test1020632587/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force --save-ignition --save-image 7ec499516e91 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect 7ec499516e91 [] Error: 7ec499516e91: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] machine rm --save-ignition --save-image - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.065 (4.626s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.065 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 7ec499516e91 Error: 7ec499516e91: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.087 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.087 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.315 (229ms) • [4.876 seconds]


podman machine rm


Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.315 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.316 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:14.316 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo [+1452s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now bar [+1457s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "bar" [+1480s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful bar [+1481s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test1676330516:/tmp/podman_test1676330516 [+1482s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test1676330516/podman/bar-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test1676330516/podman/bar-api.sock' Machine "bar" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} foo /tmp/podman_test1676330516/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} bar /tmp/podman_test1676330516/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine ssh bar echo foo [+1483s] foo ← Exit [It] Remove machine sharing ssh key with another machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:49.039 (34.723s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:49.039 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force bar Waiting for VM to exit... [+1484s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.305 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.305 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo Error: foo: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.326 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.326 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.327 (0s) • [36.011 seconds]


podman machine rm


Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.327 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.327 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:50.327 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 foo [+1488s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start foo /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.SSHConfig.IdentityPath}} foo /tmp/podman_test3090031955/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo [+1489s] ← Exit [It] Removing all machines doesn't delete ssh keys - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.166 (4.838s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.166 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force foo Error: foo: VM does not exist < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine rm - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 (21ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 (0s) • [4.860 seconds]


podman machine stop


stop bad name

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 (0s)
→ Enter [It] stop bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.187 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Error: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: VM does not exist ← Exit [It] stop bad name - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 (21ms)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 (0s) • [0.022 seconds]


podman machine stop


Stop running machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 (0s)
→ Enter [It] Stop running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:57:55.209 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 --now 8069bf4b8888 [+1493s] Image resized. Machine init complete Starting machine "8069bf4b8888" [+1517s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 8069bf4b8888 [+1518s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test211996003:/tmp/podman_test211996003 API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test211996003/podman/8069bf4b8888-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test211996003/podman/8069bf4b8888-api.sock' Machine "8069bf4b8888" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 8069bf4b8888 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1520s] Machine "8069bf4b8888" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine stop 8069bf4b8888 Machine "8069bf4b8888" stopped successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine inspect --format {{.LastUp.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}} 8069bf4b8888 2024-07-04T22:58:26Z ← Exit [It] Stop running machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.398 (31.189s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.398 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 8069bf4b8888 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine stop - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.662 (264ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.662 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.663 (0s) • [31.454 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.663 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.663 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:26.663 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 c01520a9ee2f [+1525s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start c01520a9ee2f /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list NAME VM TYPE CREATED LAST UP CPUS MEMORY DISK SIZE c01520a9ee2f* qemu 4 seconds ago Never 32 2GiB 11GiB ← Exit [It] list machine - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.269 (4.606s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.269 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force c01520a9ee2f < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 (0s) • [4.860 seconds]


podman machine list


list machines with quiet or noheading

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machines with quiet or noheading - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:31.523 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --quiet /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading --quiet /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 2a5892893722 [+1530s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 2a5892893722 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 af434b60f281 [+1534s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start af434b60f281 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --noheading --quiet 2a5892893722* af434b60f281 ← Exit [It] list machines with quiet or noheading - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:40.553 (9.03s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:40.553 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force af434b60f281 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:40.807 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:40.807 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 2a5892893722 [+1535s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.061 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.061 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.061 (0s) • [9.538 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine: check if running while starting

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.062 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.062 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine: check if running while starting - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:58:41.062 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 133ed73b2c30 [+1539s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 133ed73b2c30 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Never /var/tmp/go/src/ machine start 133ed73b2c30 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Starting machine "133ed73b2c30" Never [+1542s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1545s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1548s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1551s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1554s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1557s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1560s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1563s] /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently starting [+1564s] This machine is currently configured in rootless mode. If your containers require root permissions (e.g. ports < 1024), or if you run into compatibility issues with non-podman clients, you can switch using the following command: podman machine set --rootful 133ed73b2c30 [+1565s] Mounting volume... /tmp/podman_test2549907931:/tmp/podman_test2549907931 [+1566s] API forwarding listening on: /tmp/podman_test2549907931/podman/133ed73b2c30-api.sock You can connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the following command in your terminal session: export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///tmp/podman_test2549907931/podman/133ed73b2c30-api.sock' Machine "133ed73b2c30" started successfully /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently running /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.LastUp}} Currently running ← Exit [It] list machine: check if running while starting - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:12.931 (31.869s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:12.931 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 133ed73b2c30 Waiting for VM to exit... [+1568s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.197 (1.266s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.197 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.198 (0s) • [33.136 seconds]


podman machine list


list with --format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.198 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.198 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list with --format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:14.198 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 505a28216579 [+1572s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 505a28216579 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.Name}} 505a28216579* /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format json [ { "Name": "505a28216579", "Default": true, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:59:14.221875412Z", "Running": false, "Starting": false, "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Stream": "default", "VMType": "qemu", "CPUs": 32, "Memory": "2147483648", "DiskSize": "11811160064", "Port": 38509, "RemoteUsername": "core", "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test1533437950/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "UserModeNetworking": true } ]/var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format table {{.Name}} NAME 505a28216579* ← Exit [It] list with --format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:18.825 (4.628s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:18.826 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 505a28216579 [+1573s] < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.079 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.079 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.08 (0s) • [4.882 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine in machine-readable byte format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.08 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.08 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine in machine-readable byte format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:19.08 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 e91047447f2f [+1577s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start e91047447f2f /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format json [ { "Name": "e91047447f2f", "Default": true, "Created": "2024-07-04T22:59:19.103692096Z", "Running": false, "Starting": false, "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Stream": "default", "VMType": "qemu", "CPUs": 32, "Memory": "2147483648", "DiskSize": "11811160064", "Port": 46287, "RemoteUsername": "core", "IdentityPath": "/tmp/podman_test3866299836/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine", "UserModeNetworking": true } ] < Exit [It] list machine in machine-readable byte format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.604 (4.524s) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.604 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force e91047447f2f < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.857 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.857 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.858 (0s) • [4.778 seconds]


podman machine list


list machine in human-readable format

→ Enter [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.858 ← Exit [BeforeEach] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.858 (0s)
→ Enter [It] list machine in human-readable format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:23.858 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine init --disk-size 11 --image /tmp/podman-machine-daily.aarch64.qemu.qcow2 000b35e9aab1 [+1582s] Image resized. Machine init complete To start your machine run: podman machine start 000b35e9aab1 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine list --format {{.Memory}} {{.DiskSize}} 2GiB 11GiB ← Exit [It] list machine in human-readable format - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.372 (4.514s)
> Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.372 /var/tmp/go/src/ machine rm --force 000b35e9aab1 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] podman machine list - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 (254ms) > Enter [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 < Exit [DeferCleanup (Each)] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 (0s) • [4.768 seconds]



→ Enter [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 ← Exit [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 (0s)
→ Enter [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 ← Exit [SynchronizedAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - /var/tmp/go/src/ @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 (0s)
[SynchronizedAfterSuite] PASSED [0.000 seconds]


[ReportAfterSuite] Autogenerated ReportAfterSuite for --json-report

autogenerated by Ginkgo

→ Enter [ReportAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - autogenerated by Ginkgo @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.626 ← Exit [ReportAfterSuite] TOP-LEVEL - autogenerated by Ginkgo @ 07/04/24 22:59:28.636 (10ms)
[ReportAfterSuite] PASSED [0.010 seconds]

         Summarizing 1 Failure:
           [FAIL] podman machine set [It] set machine cpus, disk, memory
         Ran 51 of 55 Specs in 1509.150 seconds
         FAIL! -- 50 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 4 Skipped
         --- FAIL: TestMachine (1509.16s)
         Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 26m7.34464719s
         Test Suite Failed
         make[1]: *** [Makefile:649: ginkgo-run] Error 1
         make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/go/src/'
         make: *** [Makefile:678: localmachine] Error 2
[22:59:28] END - [+1582s] total duration since 2024-07-04T22:59:28Z

Processed Thu Jul 4 22:59:28 2024 by logformatter v0.3