# Checking port 54587 # Found port 54587 Name: primary Data directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/pgdata Backup directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/backup Archive directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/archives Connection string: port=54587 host=C:/Windows/TEMP/AsyW50X8l1 Log file: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\log/027_stream_regress_primary.log [08:28:39.274](0.091s) # initializing database system by copying initdb template # Running: robocopy /E /NJS /NJH /NFL /NDL /NP C:/cirrus/build/tmp_install/initdb-template C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/pgdata # Running: C:\cirrus\build\src/test\regress\pg_regress.exe --config-auth C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/pgdata ### Starting node "primary" # Running: pg_ctl -w -D C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/pgdata -l C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\log/027_stream_regress_primary.log -o --cluster-name=primary start waiting for server to start.... done server started # Postmaster PID for node "primary" is 7176 (standby_1,) [08:28:41.668](2.395s) ok 1 - physical slot created on primary # Taking pg_basebackup my_backup from node "primary" # Running: pg_basebackup -D C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/backup/my_backup -h C:/Windows/TEMP/AsyW50X8l1 -p 54587 --checkpoint fast --no-sync # Backup finished # Checking port 54588 # Found port 54588 Name: standby_1 Data directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_standby_1_data/pgdata Backup directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_standby_1_data/backup Archive directory: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_standby_1_data/archives Connection string: port=54588 host=C:/Windows/TEMP/AsyW50X8l1 Log file: C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\log/027_stream_regress_standby_1.log # Initializing node "standby_1" from backup "my_backup" of node "primary" ### Enabling streaming replication for node "standby_1" ### Starting node "standby_1" # Running: pg_ctl -w -D C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_standby_1_data/pgdata -l C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\log/027_stream_regress_standby_1.log -o --cluster-name=standby_1 start waiting for server to start.... done server started # Postmaster PID for node "standby_1" is 1772 # using postmaster on C:/Windows/TEMP/AsyW50X8l1, port 54587 ok 1 - test_setup 791 ms # parallel group (20 tests): varchar regproc boolean char name oid money int2 pg_lsn int4 txid bit uuid text float4 float8 int8 enum rangetypes numeric ok 2 + boolean 971 ms ok 3 + char 1013 ms ok 4 + name 1012 ms ok 5 + varchar 796 ms ok 6 + text 1315 ms ok 7 + int2 1066 ms ok 8 + int4 1239 ms ok 9 + int8 1570 ms ok 10 + oid 1057 ms ok 11 + float4 1419 ms ok 12 + float8 1459 ms ok 13 + bit 1230 ms ok 14 + numeric 2043 ms ok 15 + txid 1227 ms ok 16 + uuid 1292 ms ok 17 + enum 1557 ms ok 18 + money 1044 ms ok 19 + rangetypes 1899 ms ok 20 + pg_lsn 1166 ms ok 21 + regproc 839 ms # parallel group (20 tests): time macaddr inet point macaddr8 interval lseg timetz numerology path md5 timestamptz line circle date multirangetypes timestamp strings box polygon ok 22 + strings 1790 ms ok 23 + md5 1025 ms ok 24 + numerology 986 ms ok 25 + point 978 ms ok 26 + lseg 982 ms ok 27 + line 1100 ms ok 28 + box 1786 ms ok 29 + path 1013 ms ok 30 + polygon 1817 ms ok 31 + circle 1490 ms ok 32 + date 1582 ms ok 33 + time 568 ms ok 34 + timetz 969 ms ok 35 + timestamp 1765 ms ok 36 + timestamptz 1013 ms ok 37 + interval 963 ms ok 38 + inet 956 ms ok 39 + macaddr 817 ms ok 40 + macaddr8 957 ms ok 41 + multirangetypes 1703 ms # parallel group (12 tests): type_sanity unicode regex comments misc_sanity mvcc xid expressions horology tstypes opr_sanity geometry ok 42 + geometry 1324 ms ok 43 + horology 1141 ms ok 44 + tstypes 1202 ms ok 45 + regex 916 ms ok 46 + type_sanity 888 ms ok 47 + opr_sanity 1197 ms ok 48 + misc_sanity 904 ms ok 49 + comments 865 ms ok 50 + expressions 1014 ms ok 51 + unicode 861 ms ok 52 + xid 912 ms ok 53 + mvcc 911 ms # parallel group (5 tests): copydml copy copyselect insert_conflict insert ok 54 + copy 573 ms ok 55 + copyselect 571 ms ok 56 + copydml 530 ms ok 57 + insert 2046 ms ok 58 + insert_conflict 1345 ms # parallel group (7 tests): create_function_c create_operator create_misc create_procedure create_schema create_type create_table ok 59 + create_function_c 509 ms ok 60 + create_misc 532 ms ok 61 + create_operator 530 ms ok 62 + create_procedure 570 ms ok 63 + create_table 1689 ms ok 64 + create_type 632 ms ok 65 + create_schema 566 ms # parallel group (5 tests): index_including create_view create_index_spgist index_including_gist create_index ok 66 + create_index 3427 ms ok 67 + create_index_spgist 1766 ms ok 68 + create_view 1764 ms ok 69 + index_including 1749 ms ok 70 + index_including_gist 2048 ms # parallel group (16 tests): create_aggregate create_function_sql typed_table create_am infinite_recurse errors create_cast roleattributes select hash_func drop_if_exists constraints vacuum updatable_views inherit triggers ok 71 + create_aggregate 693 ms ok 72 + create_function_sql 1051 ms ok 73 + create_cast 1655 ms ok 74 + constraints 2729 ms ok 75 + triggers 5580 ms ok 76 + select 1658 ms ok 77 + inherit 4241 ms ok 78 + typed_table 1041 ms ok 79 + vacuum 3678 ms ok 80 + drop_if_exists 1914 ms ok 81 + updatable_views 3899 ms ok 82 + roleattributes 1648 ms ok 83 + create_am 1033 ms ok 84 + hash_func 1648 ms ok 85 + errors 1499 ms ok 86 + infinite_recurse 1147 ms ok 87 - sanity_check 852 ms # parallel group (20 tests): delete select_distinct_on select_having random select_implicit prepared_xacts namespace select_into select_distinct case transactions arrays portals subselect union hash_index update join aggregates btree_index ok 88 + select_into 2201 ms ok 89 + select_distinct 2227 ms ok 90 + select_distinct_on 1345 ms ok 91 + select_implicit 1735 ms ok 92 + select_having 1558 ms ok 93 + subselect 2818 ms ok 94 + union 2977 ms ok 95 + case 2221 ms ok 96 + join 5040 ms ok 97 + aggregates 5409 ms ok 98 + transactions 2216 ms ok 99 + random 1720 ms ok 100 + portals 2806 ms ok 101 + arrays 2442 ms ok 102 + btree_index 7851 ms ok 103 + hash_index 3019 ms ok 104 + update 4295 ms ok 105 + delete 1296 ms ok 106 + namespace 1956 ms ok 107 + prepared_xacts 1955 ms # parallel group (20 tests): security_label collate object_address drop_operator password groupingsets spgist tablesample matview init_privs lock replica_identity identity gin rowsecurity generated gist join_hash brin privileges ok 108 + brin 10751 ms ok 109 + gin 5158 ms ok 110 + gist 5516 ms ok 111 + spgist 2517 ms ok 112 + privileges 13233 ms ok 113 + init_privs 3658 ms ok 114 + security_label 2487 ms ok 115 + collate 2486 ms ok 116 + matview 3653 ms ok 117 + lock 3652 ms ok 118 + replica_identity 4279 ms ok 119 + rowsecurity 5307 ms ok 120 + object_address 2478 ms ok 121 + tablesample 2751 ms ok 122 + groupingsets 2498 ms ok 123 + drop_operator 2472 ms ok 124 + password 2489 ms ok 125 + identity 5007 ms ok 126 + generated 5333 ms ok 127 + join_hash 10719 ms # parallel group (2 tests): brin_bloom brin_multi ok 128 + brin_bloom 478 ms ok 129 + brin_multi 2499 ms # parallel group (18 tests): tsrf collate.icu.utf8 alter_operator tidrangescan async sysviews tidscan misc_functions create_role dbsize tid create_table_like collate.utf8 misc merge incremental_sort alter_generic without_overlaps ok 130 + create_table_like 1963 ms ok 131 + alter_generic 2304 ms ok 132 + alter_operator 882 ms ok 133 + misc 2074 ms ok 134 + async 1612 ms ok 135 + dbsize 1627 ms ok 136 + merge 2069 ms ok 137 + misc_functions 1611 ms ok 138 + sysviews 1604 ms ok 139 + tsrf 803 ms ok 140 + tid 1617 ms ok 141 + tidscan 1604 ms ok 142 + tidrangescan 994 ms ok 143 + collate.utf8 1995 ms ok 144 + collate.icu.utf8 794 ms ok 145 + incremental_sort 2171 ms ok 146 + create_role 1595 ms ok 147 + without_overlaps 2712 ms # parallel group (7 tests): psql_crosstab amutils collate.linux.utf8 collate.windows.win1252 rules psql stats_ext ok 148 + rules 1859 ms ok 149 + psql 1857 ms ok 150 + psql_crosstab 670 ms ok 151 + amutils 726 ms ok 152 + stats_ext 5145 ms ok 153 + collate.linux.utf8 723 ms ok 154 + collate.windows.win1252 831 ms ok 155 - select_parallel 8390 ms ok 156 - write_parallel 1050 ms ok 157 - vacuum_parallel 742 ms # parallel group (2 tests): subscription publication ok 158 + publication 1455 ms ok 159 + subscription 349 ms # parallel group (17 tests): portals_p2 tsdicts functional_deps dependency equivclass indirect_toast xmlmap combocid tsearch guc select_views advisory_lock window bitmapops cluster foreign_data foreign_key ok 160 + select_views 2676 ms ok 161 + portals_p2 1315 ms ok 162 + foreign_key 5110 ms ok 163 + cluster 3513 ms ok 164 + dependency 1793 ms ok 165 + guc 2579 ms ok 166 + bitmapops 3472 ms ok 167 + combocid 2484 ms ok 168 + tsearch 2483 ms ok 169 + tsdicts 1774 ms ok 170 + foreign_data 3907 ms ok 171 + window 3463 ms ok 172 + xmlmap 2476 ms ok 173 + functional_deps 1776 ms ok 174 + advisory_lock 2877 ms ok 175 + indirect_toast 2471 ms ok 176 + equivclass 1777 ms # parallel group (9 tests): json_encoding sqljson jsonpath_encoding sqljson_queryfuncs jsonpath sqljson_jsontable json jsonb_jsonpath jsonb ok 177 + json 1093 ms ok 178 + jsonb 1578 ms ok 179 + json_encoding 526 ms ok 180 + jsonpath 944 ms ok 181 + jsonpath_encoding 939 ms ok 182 + jsonb_jsonpath 1131 ms ok 183 + sqljson 891 ms not ok 184 + sqljson_queryfuncs 935 ms not ok 185 + sqljson_jsontable 1046 ms # parallel group (18 tests): limit plancache rowtypes sequence returning copy2 conversion prepare with largeobject truncate xml domain temp polymorphism rangefuncs plpgsql alter_table ok 186 + plancache 1107 ms ok 187 + limit 1105 ms ok 188 + plpgsql 5078 ms ok 189 + copy2 1769 ms ok 190 + temp 3450 ms ok 191 + domain 3441 ms ok 192 + rangefuncs 3849 ms ok 193 + prepare 2156 ms ok 194 + conversion 2155 ms ok 195 + truncate 3434 ms ok 196 + alter_table 7315 ms ok 197 + sequence 1562 ms ok 198 + polymorphism 3735 ms ok 199 + rowtypes 1311 ms ok 200 + returning 1751 ms ok 201 + largeobject 3425 ms ok 202 + with 3164 ms ok 203 + xml 3422 ms # parallel group (15 tests): reloptions predicate partition_merge hash_part partition_info compression explain memoize partition_split indexing tuplesort partition_join stats partition_aggregate partition_prune ok 204 + partition_merge 2470 ms ok 205 + partition_split 4671 ms ok 206 + partition_join 5021 ms ok 207 + partition_prune 8550 ms ok 208 + reloptions 1787 ms ok 209 + hash_part 2461 ms ok 210 + indexing 4945 ms ok 211 + partition_aggregate 6550 ms ok 212 + partition_info 2650 ms ok 213 + tuplesort 5009 ms ok 214 + explain 2836 ms ok 215 + compression 2719 ms ok 216 + memoize 3216 ms ok 217 + stats 5923 ms ok 218 + predicate 1769 ms # parallel group (2 tests): oidjoins event_trigger ok 219 + oidjoins 766 ms ok 220 + event_trigger 929 ms ok 221 - event_trigger_login 263 ms ok 222 - fast_default 859 ms ok 223 - tablespace 1443 ms 1..223 # 2 of 223 tests failed. # The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the file "C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/regression.diffs". # A copy of the test summary that you see above is saved in the file "C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/regression.out". === dumping C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/regression.diffs === diff -w -U3 C:/cirrus/src/test/regress/expected/sqljson_queryfuncs.out C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/results/sqljson_queryfuncs.out --- C:/cirrus/src/test/regress/expected/sqljson_queryfuncs.out 2024-04-18 08:24:11.057143400 +0000 +++ C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/results/sqljson_queryfuncs.out 2024-04-18 08:30:39.845485900 +0000 @@ -1223,6 +1223,7 @@ DROP TABLE test_jsonb_mutability; DROP FUNCTION ret_setint; CREATE DOMAIN jsonb_test_domain AS text CHECK (value <> 'foo'); +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" already exists SELECT JSON_VALUE(jsonb '{"d1": "H"}', '$.a2' RETURNING jsonb_test_domain DEFAULT 'foo'::jsonb_test_domain ON ERROR); ERROR: value for domain jsonb_test_domain violates check constraint "jsonb_test_domain_check" SELECT JSON_VALUE(jsonb '{"d1": "H"}', '$.a2' RETURNING jsonb_test_domain DEFAULT 'foo1'::jsonb_test_domain ON ERROR); diff -w -U3 C:/cirrus/src/test/regress/expected/sqljson_jsontable.out C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/results/sqljson_jsontable.out --- C:/cirrus/src/test/regress/expected/sqljson_jsontable.out 2024-04-18 08:24:11.057143400 +0000 +++ C:/cirrus/build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress/data/results/sqljson_jsontable.out 2024-04-18 08:30:39.986116100 +0000 @@ -220,28 +220,24 @@ -- Test using casts in DEFAULT .. ON ERROR expression SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '{"d1": "H"}', '$' COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT '"foo1"'::jsonb::text ON ERROR)); - js1 --------- - "foo1" -(1 row) - +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist +LINE 2: COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT '"foo... + ^ SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '{"d1": "H"}', '$' COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT 'foo'::jsonb_test_domain ON ERROR)); -ERROR: value for domain jsonb_test_domain violates check constraint "jsonb_test_domain_check" +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist +LINE 2: COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT 'foo'... + ^ SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '{"d1": "H"}', '$' COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT 'foo1'::jsonb_test_domain ON ERROR)); - js1 ------- - foo1 -(1 row) - +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist +LINE 2: COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.a2' DEFAULT 'foo1... + ^ SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '{"d1": "foo"}', '$' COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.d1' DEFAULT 'foo2'::jsonb_test_domain ON ERROR)); - js1 ------- - foo2 -(1 row) - +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist +LINE 2: COLUMNS (js1 jsonb_test_domain PATH '$.d1' DEFAULT 'foo2... + ^ SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '{"d1": "foo"}', '$' COLUMNS (js1 oid[] PATH '$.d2' DEFAULT '{1}'::int[]::oid[] ON ERROR)); js1 @@ -261,6 +257,9 @@ "bool" bool PATH '$', "numeric" numeric PATH '$', "domain" jsonb_test_domain PATH '$')); +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist +LINE 11: "domain" jsonb_test_domain PATH '$')); + ^ CREATE VIEW jsonb_table_view3 AS SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE( @@ -300,27 +299,7 @@ ta text[] PATH '$', jba jsonb[] PATH '$')); \sv jsonb_table_view2 -CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.jsonb_table_view2 AS - SELECT "int", - text, - "char(4)", - bool, - "numeric", - domain - FROM JSON_TABLE( - 'null'::jsonb, '$[*]' AS json_table_path_0 - PASSING - 1 + 2 AS a, - '"foo"'::json AS "b c" - COLUMNS ( - "int" integer PATH '$', - text text PATH '$', - "char(4)" character(4) PATH '$', - bool boolean PATH '$', - "numeric" numeric PATH '$', - domain jsonb_test_domain PATH '$' - ) - ) +ERROR: relation "jsonb_table_view2" does not exist \sv jsonb_table_view3 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.jsonb_table_view3 AS SELECT js, @@ -398,13 +377,9 @@ ) ) EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF, VERBOSE) SELECT * FROM jsonb_table_view2; - QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Table Function Scan on "json_table" - Output: "json_table"."int", "json_table".text, "json_table"."char(4)", "json_table".bool, "json_table"."numeric", "json_table".domain - Table Function Call: JSON_TABLE('null'::jsonb, '$[*]' AS json_table_path_0 PASSING 3 AS a, '"foo"'::jsonb AS "b c" COLUMNS ("int" integer PATH '$', text text PATH '$', "char(4)" character(4) PATH '$', bool boolean PATH '$', "numeric" numeric PATH '$', domain jsonb_test_domain PATH '$')) -(3 rows) - +ERROR: relation "jsonb_table_view2" does not exist +LINE 1: EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF, VERBOSE) SELECT * FROM jsonb_table_view2... + ^ EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF, VERBOSE) SELECT * FROM jsonb_table_view3; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -481,11 +456,13 @@ (1 row) DROP VIEW jsonb_table_view2; +ERROR: view "jsonb_table_view2" does not exist DROP VIEW jsonb_table_view3; DROP VIEW jsonb_table_view4; DROP VIEW jsonb_table_view5; DROP VIEW jsonb_table_view6; DROP DOMAIN jsonb_test_domain; +ERROR: type "jsonb_test_domain" does not exist -- JSON_TABLE: only one FOR ORDINALITY columns allowed SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb '1', '$' COLUMNS (id FOR ORDINALITY, id2 FOR ORDINALITY, a int PATH '$.a' ERROR ON EMPTY)) jt; ERROR: cannot use more than one FOR ORDINALITY column === EOF === [08:31:10.993](149.325s) not ok 2 - regression tests pass [08:31:10.993](0.000s) # Failed test 'regression tests pass' # at C:/cirrus/src/test/recovery/t/027_stream_regress.pl line 95. [08:31:10.994](0.001s) # got: '256' # expected: '0' 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 9 4001 41 1 1 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 1 32 1 1 1 6 104 2 1 5 1006 1 2 5 17 -2 33 34 9 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -32768 32767 46 Waiting for replication conn standby_1's replay_lsn to pass 0/15676968 on primary done # Running: pg_dumpall -f C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/primary.dump --no-sync -p 54587 --no-unlogged-table-data [08:31:17.347](6.353s) ok 3 - dump primary server # Running: pg_dumpall -f C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/standby.dump --no-sync -p 54588 [08:31:22.062](4.714s) ok 4 - dump standby server # Running: diff C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/primary.dump C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/standby.dump [08:31:22.246](0.185s) ok 5 - compare primary and standby dumps [08:31:22.971](0.725s) ok 6 - check contents of pg_stat_statements on regression database ### Stopping node "standby_1" using mode fast # Running: pg_ctl -D C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_standby_1_data/pgdata -m fast stop waiting for server to shut down.... done server stopped # No postmaster PID for node "standby_1" ### Stopping node "primary" using mode fast # Running: pg_ctl -D C:\cirrus\build/testrun/recovery/027_stream_regress\data/t_027_stream_regress_primary_data/pgdata -m fast stop waiting for server to shut down.... done server stopped # No postmaster PID for node "primary" [08:31:23.677](0.706s) 1..6 [08:31:23.696](0.019s) # Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.