[05:44:23.555] src/tools/ci/cores_backtrace.sh freebsd /tmp/cores [05:44:23.883] dumping /tmp/cores/postgres.20099.core for /tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/tmp_install//usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres [05:44:24.006] [New LWP 101658] [05:44:24.083] Core was generated by `postgres: postgres isolation_regression_injection_points [local] COMMIT'. [05:44:24.083] Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. [05:44:24.083] Sent by thr_kill() from pid 20099 and user 1003. [05:44:24.083] #0 0x000000082bf9141a in thr_kill () from /lib/libc.so.7 [05:44:24.121] [05:44:24.121] Thread 1 (LWP 101658): [05:44:24.121] #0 0x000000082bf9141a in thr_kill () from /lib/libc.so.7 [05:44:24.121] No symbol table info available. [05:44:24.121] #1 0x000000082bf0ae64 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.7 [05:44:24.121] No symbol table info available. [05:44:24.121] #2 0x000000082bfbb6f9 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.7 [05:44:24.121] No symbol table info available. [05:44:24.121] #3 0x0000000000aa1e65 in ExceptionalCondition (conditionName=0x361197 "TransactionIdIsValid(proc->xid)", fileName=, lineNumber=lineNumber@entry=677) at ../src/backend/utils/error/assert.c:66 [05:44:24.121] No locals. [05:44:24.121] #4 0x0000000000918d2d in ProcArrayEndTransaction (proc=0x8422f4af8, latestXid=latestXid@entry=750) at ../src/backend/storage/ipc/procarray.c:677 [05:44:24.121] No locals. [05:44:24.121] #5 0x0000000000660d6f in AbortTransaction () at ../src/backend/access/transam/xact.c:2946 [05:44:24.121] s = [05:44:24.121] latestXid = 750 [05:44:24.121] is_parallel_worker = [05:44:24.121] #6 0x000000000065e97a in AbortCurrentTransactionInternal () at ../src/backend/access/transam/xact.c:3598 [05:44:24.121] s = 0xbccf38 [05:44:24.121] #7 AbortCurrentTransaction () at ../src/backend/access/transam/xact.c:3449 [05:44:24.121] No locals. [05:44:24.121] #8 0x000000000094546e in PostgresMain (dbname=, username=) at ../src/backend/tcop/postgres.c:4535 [05:44:24.121] local_sigjmp_buf = {{_sjb = {9720838, 34913296928, 34913296920, 34913297472, 12451576, 1, 8192, 8388608, 34913256319, 0, 0, 1}}} [05:44:24.121] send_ready_for_query = false [05:44:24.121] idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = false [05:44:24.121] idle_session_timeout_enabled = false [05:44:24.121] #9 0x00000000009406a9 in BackendMain (startup_data=, startup_data_len=) at ../src/backend/tcop/backend_startup.c:107 [05:44:24.121] bsdata = [05:44:24.121] #10 0x00000000008985b5 in postmaster_child_launch (child_type=B_BACKEND, child_slot=1, startup_data=startup_data@entry=0x820feaf58 "", startup_data_len=startup_data_len@entry=4, client_sock=client_sock@entry=0x820feaea0) at ../src/backend/postmaster/launch_backend.c:274 [05:44:24.121] pid = [05:44:24.121] #11 0x000000000089c788 in BackendStartup (client_sock=0x820feaea0) at ../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:3391 [05:44:24.121] startup_data = {canAcceptConnections = CAC_OK} [05:44:24.121] bn = 0x835917038 [05:44:24.121] cac = CAC_OK [05:44:24.121] pid = [05:44:24.121] __error = [05:44:24.121] save_errno = [05:44:24.121] __error = [05:44:24.121] __error = [05:44:24.121] #12 ServerLoop () at ../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1678 [05:44:24.121] s = {sock = 8, raddr = {addr = {ss_len = 16 '\020', ss_family = 1 '\001', __ss_pad1 = "\000\000\000\000\000", __ss_align = 0, __ss_pad2 = "\f", '\000' , "\257\376 \b\000\000\000hE\236(\b\000\000\000\355\000\000\000\000\000\000\000^Ϟ(\b", '\000' , "@\257\376 \b\000\000\000D\203\211\000\000\000\000\000P\257\376 \b", '\000' }, salen = 16}} [05:44:24.121] i = 0 [05:44:24.121] now = [05:44:24.121] events = {{pos = 1, events = 2, fd = 6, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 736623299, events = 8, fd = 128686702, user_data = 0x5071c93dacf}, {pos = 561191480, events = 8, fd = 1, user_data = 0x82172b408}, {pos = 736493928, events = 8, fd = 1687751359, user_data = 0x820fea668}, {pos = 553559648, events = 8, fd = 8192, user_data = 0x103000}, {pos = 898953216, events = 8, fd = 553559456, user_data = 0x82c000a47}, {pos = 1, events = 0, fd = 1060864, user_data = 0xe8}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 561152008, user_data = 0x821728408}, {pos = 561154056, events = 8, fd = 561155080, user_data = 0x820fea660}, {pos = 553559640, events = 8, fd = 865808528, user_data = 0x835000980}, {pos = 32, events = 0, fd = 4096, user_data = 0x820fea820}, {pos = 738179708, events = 8, fd = 553559520, user_data = 0x82c000b22}, {pos = 553559640, events = 8, fd = 865808528, user_data = 0x20}, {pos = 4096, events = 0, fd = 553560096, user_data = 0x82bffc098}, {pos = 889192656, events = 8, fd = 865808528, user_data = 0x3000}, {pos = 8192, events = 0, fd = 865808576, user_data = 0x1000}, {pos = 4097, events = 0, fd = 8192, user_data = 0x835000980}, {pos = 553561232, events = 8, fd = 889215192, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 889243776, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 889243648, events = 8, fd = 232, user_data = 0x1}, {pos = 889194880, events = 8, fd = 553561232, user_data = 0x20}, {pos = 8388608, events = 0, fd = 8192, user_data = 0x83500c580}, {pos = 918211312, events = 8, fd = 918211304, user_data = 0x836bacae0}, {pos = 918211288, events = 8, fd = 8417280, user_data = 0x835943000}, {pos = 8193, events = 0, fd = 553559760, user_data = 0x820fea6d0}, {pos = 1, events = 0, fd = 897999252, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 553559856, events = 8, fd = 681493868, user_data = 0x1}, {pos = 897998848, events = 8, fd = 553559904, user_data = 0x8289eb702}, {pos = 738330960, events = 8, fd = 738419064, user_data = 0x82c020950 }, {pos = 561165320, events = 8, fd = 553560128, user_data = 0x50714d3b3de}, {pos = 561156104, events = 8, fd = 1, user_data = 0x50714d3b25e}, {pos = 561165320, events = 8, fd = 553559912, user_data = 0x820fea840}, {pos = 12264, events = 0, fd = 0, user_data = 0x50714d4e990}, {pos = 553561520, events = 8, fd = 115213183, user_data = 0x8fe76ea16}, {pos = 1687751359, events = 1430524093, fd = 0, user_data = 0x82172b408}, {pos = 12264, events = 0, fd = 1687751359, user_data = 0x8339b3090}, {pos = 1, events = 0, fd = 889215192, user_data = 0x835000980}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 553560240, user_data = 0x82bf1f915 }, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 553560176, user_data = 0x820feace0}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 553560240, user_data = 0x82bf35b61}, {pos = 1, events = 0, fd = 553561312, user_data = 0x820feace0}, {pos = 0, events = 16777216, fd = 1687751359, user_data = 0x82c0446a0 <__stack_chk_guard>}, {pos = 898434520, events = 8, fd = 0, user_data = 0x82c029e38}, {pos = 553561520, events = 8, fd = 553561376, user_data = 0x82bf35c82}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 553561680, user_data = 0x8358d05d8}, {pos = 553561312, events = 8, fd = 553560640, user_data = 0x2000}, {pos = 8192, events = 0, fd = 898904064, user_data = 0x820feaa48}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 865808528, user_data = 0x1}, {pos = 553560448, events = 8, fd = 738200009, user_data = 0x82be65388}, {pos = 736607608, events = 8, fd = 553560472, user_data = 0x820feaa10}, {pos = 553560640, events = 8, fd = 553560632, user_data = 0x8339b3090}, {pos = 889194880, events = 8, fd = 32, user_data = 0x1000}, {pos = 553561088, events = 8, fd = 738179708, user_data = 0x820feaa38}, {pos = 349446922, events = 1287, fd = 736483416, user_data = 0x82be7bd78}, {pos = 553560584, events = 8, fd = 553560704, user_data = 0x820feaa08}, {pos = 736570636, events = 8, fd = 561165320, user_data = 0x82be72d0c}, {pos = 553560688, events = 8, fd = 349426746, user_data = 0x8339b30c0}, {pos = 4096, events = 0, fd = 4097, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 0, user_data = 0x835003238}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 0, user_data = 0x0}, {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 561185416, user_data = 0x82be5d858}, {pos = 561165320, events = 8, fd = 553560840, user_data = 0x820feacc8}, {pos = 553560816, events = 8, fd = 349445282, user_data = 0x29824b}, {pos = 448139, events = 0, fd = 2090263927, user_data = 0x821731038}} [05:44:24.122] last_touch_time = 1734241280 [05:44:24.122] last_lockfile_recheck_time = 1734241280 [05:44:24.122] nevents = 1 [05:44:24.122] #13 0x000000000089ad99 in PostmasterMain (argc=argc@entry=8, argv=argv@entry=0x820feb4c8) at ../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1376 [05:44:24.122] userDoption = [05:44:24.122] listen_addr_saved = false [05:44:24.122] output_config_variable = [05:44:24.122] opt = [05:44:24.122] status = [05:44:24.122] #14 0x00000000007d27bb in main (argc=8, argv=0x820feb4c8) at ../src/backend/main/main.c:224 [05:44:24.122] do_check_root = [05:44:24.122] dispatch_option = DISPATCH_POSTMASTER